hkp: who/what are you talking to/about?

Jonggi: Welcome aboard. I'd love to hear some sample clips. Do you have a microphone?

Guitarist: anyone play classical music?
PigeonHive Flap Buzz
Tom: A little bit, I've been trying to learn the adaptation of the 1st Cello Suite by Bach but it gets kinda boring after a while and I just start to improvise. I'm not gonna lie, I'm way better at rock music because I don't have much guitar theaory and the things I've picked up here and there are mainly pentatonic or minor scales. Classic is good every once in a while but I guess I just don't really feel like playing it.
On the piano on the other hand, when I had classes, the only things my dogmatic teacher would come up with would be jazz or classical so...

You should arrange this and play it on your guitar. One of my favorite nocturnes.
PigeonHive Flap Buzz
Hey, so I'm making this composition for a contest online. Comments and critique are welcome. Also, if you tell me what it reminds you of, what it sounds like, etc, that'd be cool too.


It's still very much a work in progress, this is only the start of it and I'm to fix up a few things at the end so yeah, enjoy.
Originally Posted by hkp326 View Post
yo dude u do concerts?

Concerts are usually at pretty big venues for huge bands to play. I occasionally play in clubs and things like that.
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time
The bigest thing I would change is the inverted chords. Try to use the root of the chord in the base. Also use some passing tones. and try to keep the same little patterns. Like in the first measure you have the alto going down then up and in the second measure it goes up then down. make it go down and up. It's easier to hear. It reminds me of a scene after a disaster has happened and everythings in shambles. Me likey.
PigeonHive Flap Buzz
Originally Posted by TomPaine View Post
hkp: who/what are you talking to/about?

Jonggi: Welcome aboard. I'd love to hear some sample clips. Do you have a microphone?

Guitarist: anyone play classical music?

Thanks. I do have a microphone, but my amplifier is far away from my computer. I will try that later

And i play classical music as well, used too