well i will make a video but we need to make a Org video thread, and we need active people
so they can post the replays instead of reasons why they cant post replays
*Note, dont have shaders so... hope thats ok.
When you get caught masturbating, look the person in the eyes and finish like a beast.
i think you'd better to open [UFC]Rubbish bin thread
language that is not good, dirty words, not true to type a few words, exhaust to the [UFC] Rubish bin

then [UFC]Replay/Mods:all the replays you who you want to show, and some mods

then Inactivity Thread:if member is not active / inactive reporting, writing in this thread

and held some tourney in this org

[UFC]Art i thought,and [UFC]Music,Video chat,and we need to be active more

that's my suggestions,btw am i accepted