Awesome, good stuff. I'm glad I'm not the only one. I pretty much expected to get bitched out here on the boards about it, but it seems like everyone pretty much agrees with me on this one. : D

Someone said to tell them to fuck off. . .no no no then they have MORE reason to say get out. I'm usually as nice as I can be so they really have NOTHING to complain about, even offering help to the ones who seem to think I'm immortal.

And Ishi, just so you know this thread isn't about just killing newbs for fun, as guiltily fun as that may be. It's about getting bitched out no matter WHAT type of performance you're putting out. :P
Originally Posted by Surukei View Post
Awesome, good stuff. I'm glad I'm not the only one. I pretty much expected to get bitched out here on the boards about it, but it seems like everyone pretty much agrees with me on this one. : D

Someone said to tell them to fuck off. . .no no no then they have MORE reason to say get out. I'm usually as nice as I can be so they really have NOTHING to complain about, even offering help to the ones who seem to think I'm immortal.

And Ishi, just so you know this thread isn't about just killing newbs for fun, as guiltily fun as that may be. It's about getting bitched out no matter WHAT type of performance you're putting out. :P


care to try again
I r Batdude.
lol when i was orange belt i and another newbie where fighting against a blackbelt, the blacbelt had already a 9 strike when i managed to defeat him, the other dude started whining about how much he sucks and how strong the blackbelt is, and he wanted even private toribash lessons.
since now i'm in a clan the new ones (i dont want to call them noobs cuz not all are bad) are threating me in a different way, till now they've only been friendlier to me, if they start bothering me i would just beat them and let them leave.
I tend to not notice the belts. Mainly because it makes me feel bad that I only have a black belt :P. Anyways, noobs will be noobs I suppose. It's not too much different than people calling you a hacker in any FPS because you're doing good. You've just got to deal with it.

Note: I probably would have said "lolhi" in that situation.

They started greeting me everytime they see me ...
Oblivion: that wasn't hilarious
Oblivion: it was brilliantly complex though
Oblivion: hands down man
Oblivion: today I genuinely believe more than I ever did before
Oblivion: that you are better than me
Oblivion: gg NutHug

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Originally Posted by NutHug View Post
They started greeting me everytime they see me ...

Somehow, many noobs tend to greet people with clantags cuz' it makes them feel all leet and "lolz me knowz proz".

I have taken deep studies into the minds of noobs...
Uhh who cares that you beat them?
"When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend."
-U.S. Army Training Notice
*breaks door*