sure thing my friend, i try to stay my most active during the week
but school will be starting up soon and i may become only active for a small window of the day
Free Pv2Caribou
Meh I will make a weekly update thread on post that draw my attenion on fourms. Feel free to post quotes that you want me to respond to.
Well, i won my first match against deathpod (the custom belt)
in the mod, kickboxing. In the first match i thought i was dead because he got my knee
below off but it was stuck to his hand and my hand, luckly i kicked his
hand and knocked it off of his body so i had to try and get points or a detachment
and balance with the left hand, (which unfortunetly had my other hand stuck on it
so if i ungrabbed my foot would dq, so i had to hold on and try to balance qq)
then luckly i got my hand out and got my leg into a good postion and kicked him
his arm fell off and landed on the floor.

The second match we both kicked eachother but he had me and swung me up in th
air i then cam down and kick him in his mid-section and hit arm fell off, then later
broke in half and dq'd. (i then cheered my jolly cheer aloud)
Originally Posted by Macrid View Post
Guys, whats up with are inactivity. Lets kick the activity up a notch

Ok, I'm back. Tis' all coo'
alright, so continuing from inactivity thread.

Bwb hasnt posted in 3 weeks.

Austi shows up in IRC every once and a while, but never posts.

Sid is moderately active on IRC, and is the only one to post on the externals still. and still posts here some.

zy shows up on IRC after everyone goes to bed usually, and posts every once in a while.

fear never posts, but is exempt.

Pure is more active than me on forums, cuz i cba to post on the pointless threads that we have.

both me and pure are always on IRC.

mac is fairly active.

havent seen glawl or nil in a while either.

orion is orion. True statement.

EDIT: post 1111. just sayin
Last edited by Pv2Caribou; Aug 13, 2011 at 07:10 AM.
<~Fear> fuck, Pv2Caribou is that you?
<~Fear> you look like you suplex fucking rhinos