Original Post
"Scientists tell us that the fastest animal on earth, with a top speed of 120 feet per second, is a cow that has been dropped out of a helicopter."

Objective: Clear the mod enzurun.tbm faster than anyone else. The last frame of your replay will be the frame where you touch the ground behind the last wall.
- no editing gamerules save for DQ and matchframes. There's a possibility that the gravity changes, so make sure it's 0 0 -30 instead of anything else. Here's the full setting list just in case:


- no replay hacking
- no replay stealing
Additional info:
- You may turn DQ off and change matchframes
- Helping with Uke is allowed, though might be useless
- You can post as many replays as you want. If someone beats your score, you can try again to get a better time
Prize: 15 000 TC
Deadline: 23.9. You are allowed to post entries during this day until I say that this is over. This does not mean you should leave your entries to the last day.
Current leader: SWEXxELITE, 833 frames

If you have any questions, post here.

Last edited by Tonakai; Sep 14, 2012 at 12:57 PM.
Alrighty then, this event comes to an end with SWEXxELITE as the victor. Congratulations! 15 000 TC will be sent to you soon...
Everyone here had really nice replays, but this time we only have one winner. Oh, but I started Speedrun II a few days ago - check it out.