Viperrrr, I thought you were going to pm me some information. Oh and gl with the clan, i like the name.

<[elite]Kozmonaut> I fucked myself
<(AOG)Darkhorsepyro>You ever had peanutbutter and coolwhip sandwiches?
<[elite]Kosmonaut> Bent my dick and fucked myself
Originally Posted by vipercat View Post
Yea i like the art, thank you. Ill find some fun way to use it. Also im gunna be making war servers and recruitment servers as much as possible so join any time. Btw if you are willing i may buy clan art if you are willing and it looks good. but we have a small amount of money so it wont be much.

The color >~> it hurts!
Haha live with the payne jk XD i �� u so i will stahp. Though i neeeeeeeeed tc for the bANK ! PLEASE GIVE US MONEY
meow mai doods


today we have lost a good member, a leader a true artist. LICKERLINT! ;(

i...am...out of words...w-we have had a great blow dealt to the clan today.

;( REST IN PEACE Lickerlint ;(
meow mai doods

Btw, Viper did you want to Ally? I'm pretty sure you mentioned something about that, but i'm not 100% positive.

<[elite]Kozmonaut> I fucked myself
<(AOG)Darkhorsepyro>You ever had peanutbutter and coolwhip sandwiches?
<[elite]Kosmonaut> Bent my dick and fucked myself