Tank Application
Hello Tank sorry for not making an amazing application but heres what i have time for.

Why I want to join

I want to join tank because it has "Some" people i think are pretty cool and i want to join it because i want to be in a clan until tb next and do some warring and helping out just for my entertainment and it helps you guys with the clan too. so win win.

Some Information

I own alot of clans so people dont like me to much but i dont really mind if you guys dont mind and im not toxic when im in other people clans but i am war happy i love to improve in this game because its fun.I hope i get chill with ya guys thanks for reading my app.

User Name: Dillon
Belt: Custom
Previous clans: Lots
Discord: Dillon#1417
Hello my name is Dalton and my toribash name is Dray5168. My age is 13. I would like to join tank because i am determined to help others and the clan anyway i can. p.s imgoing to blow some stuff up
Hi i'm Softdubs
i'm 16 My discord is already joined my join date i'm PMing to you guys of ok been in wapow earlier mostly online playing sometime to time I will host bet servers don't know if they will stil be joined tho was good back in the day and u can always hit me up if you need help
Joker Gang try to take us serious
Why I want to join Tank?
a good old friend/clan leader is in this clan
have met some nice and cooll ppl in tank to

My past
I joined wapow early when I was a brown belt
belt restriction was 2nd back then I think... long time ago reason why I am not in wapow no more is because my laptop broke so I could not play anymore nor post on forums that good

what I have to bring
I mostly just play have some fun with the clan members if i'm needed in clan wars I will assist I used to host bet servers to could still but don't know if they would be as popular XD

Some information about me
I am a 16 year old boy from the netherlands (thats in europe)
I am often online and if i'm very busy i still try to be online for most of the time
I also play on ps4 sometimes but thats sometimes

My in-game info
black belt
SoftDubs is my ign
Mostly in bet servers or in servers of my known friends
(i broke so i often bet small)

ps sorry if its short

Joker Gang try to take us serious
Could you please tell us the people you know, it helps, so we can ask about you. Don't be so vague in the way you talk. It doesn't look good on you, like you're hiding something. Almost like you're an alt.
people I know
just got to know Redd very chill and nice guy

being vague
noted sir will be more open :*)
Joker Gang try to take us serious

Henlo, my name is Joshua, 14 year old who likes to mess around with people and have fun in general. Ive recently gotten back to toribash after a 4 year hiatus and im hoping to find an interesting clan to enter and be a member in. I joined the game at 2010 but i was 6 back then so dont expect insane skills.

Big boy games i play

Ive been playing a bit of toribash lately but i sometimes play a little game called PUBG im not sure if youve heard of it. I also tend to enjoy myself a good round of rainbow six and maybe a bit of CSGO. I play fortnite aswell but im not good

Why am i applying for tank?

I have made an application to join the clan tank because the members are kind. Another reason for my application is that i want to be a part of a good clan.

Purple monkeys run in red fo... i mean tank is a brotherhood not a clan
Where the fuck i am
Originally Posted by BlurryHype View Post

Henlo, my name is Joshua, 14 year old who likes to mess around with people and have fun in general. Ive recently gotten back to toribash after a 4 year hiatus and im hoping to find an interesting clan to enter and be a member in. I joined the game at 2010 but i was 6 back then so dont expect insane skills.

Big boy games i play

Ive been playing a bit of toribash lately but i sometimes play a little game called PUBG im not sure if youve heard of it. I also tend to enjoy myself a good round of rainbow six and maybe a bit of CSGO. I play fortnite aswell but im not good

Why am i applying for tank?

I have made an application to join the clan tank because the members are kind. Another reason for my application is that i want to be a part of a good clan.

Purple monkeys run in red fo... i mean tank is a brotherhood not a clan

This application has too much useless information, I don't care if you play PUBG or any of those games for the matter. I want to know what you can do I'm Toribash, or on the forums, and what you can bring to Tank. I see you put in effort, but it's miss placed effort.