Re: Skinny's Head/spinning shop.
Ok Skinnydude heres the deal I the head that shade made me but its just to small and it didn't come out how I expected it to come out. So could you make me a head that is a picture of a large piece of toast with butter on it and a face. Thank you. (I will be making the same request in Jposhs shop and I will see which one I like more).
Re: Skinny's Head/spinning shop.

EDIT: this is what I have so far... I still need to add the face.

Re: Skinny's Head/spinning shop.
i did :P,

ok, ether you can have this one , or you can have this one . That is the best i can do.

But I can change the colors around.
Re: Skinny's Head/spinning shop.
Skinny, my head file is attached. Could you make me a spinning one? Thanks.

The Emperor Protects!

~I refute the conventions of mortal existence. It is much more enjoyable to be a god.~