Welcome to Sigma, Joonveen. Hope you enjoy your time here! Remember to just have fun and kick arse.

Also, writing 'lie' was my attempt at being a bit more dramatic.
yey \o/ welcome in JOOOONVEEEEN!

I don't know who idea was put this recruiting thread....but it was damn good idea :3 we're getting good members
And the second largest penis in animal kindom
Also, writing 'lie' was my attempt at being a bit more dramatic.

Lol, okay then xD

I don't know who idea was put this recruiting thread....but it was damn good idea :3 we're getting good members

Application threads have been around longer than you think :P
Welcome Joon, good to have you.
Aslask: link8: Do you know what the soviet union is? Or was
Marco: link8: do you know what a carrot is? Or was
O yeah, forgot about that, I've only got bout 800 tc on me now, so ill send that and an item to make up for it. Sorry its took so long.
It's kay. I'm using Vampire force anyway :P

Thanks, DoubleFort.

@Warcry: What's the IRC channel? #sigma?
Originally Posted by joonveen View Post

@Warcry: What's the IRC channel? #sigma?

Yes, it is.