That they are my friend. Without a party hat how can you party?
| Jolly Roger | Aeon | fl0w | Liquor |
| Team NZ & AUS |

| DarkDranz | Kaito | Kratos | Brucia | Chirs | Trice | Tempest | Vitta | Pranit | TheAnimal | Sparky |
| TripStone |
Things are coming along well :3
Slowly getting to clan back on its feet.
| Jolly Roger | Aeon | fl0w | Liquor |
| Team NZ & AUS |

| DarkDranz | Kaito | Kratos | Brucia | Chirs | Trice | Tempest | Vitta | Pranit | TheAnimal | Sparky |
| TripStone |
I take it a little too inactive then hoped? Yeah [Piratez] was getting like that but members seem to be coming back daily ^^
Yeah members are finding their way back here.
We are going to host a recruiting server soon to try and get a few new faces
| Jolly Roger | Aeon | fl0w | Liquor |
| Team NZ & AUS |

| DarkDranz | Kaito | Kratos | Brucia | Chirs | Trice | Tempest | Vitta | Pranit | TheAnimal | Sparky |
| TripStone |
do you mind if pop out here once in a while?
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
That is all good Trice.
You are welcome to invade here whenever you feel :3
| Jolly Roger | Aeon | fl0w | Liquor |
| Team NZ & AUS |

| DarkDranz | Kaito | Kratos | Brucia | Chirs | Trice | Tempest | Vitta | Pranit | TheAnimal | Sparky |
| TripStone |
Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
Am i crazy or Manta is actually the only active member? >..<

Other members post more in the private board then out here in the open :3
I think they might be a bit scared of people seeing them
| Jolly Roger | Aeon | fl0w | Liquor |
| Team NZ & AUS |

| DarkDranz | Kaito | Kratos | Brucia | Chirs | Trice | Tempest | Vitta | Pranit | TheAnimal | Sparky |
| TripStone |