Real Name: Matheus
Age: 15
Belt: White
Achievements(Include your link):
Timezone(GMT): -3
Infraction/Bans history: none
Past clans: oblivion, dissidente, hunters.
How active are you in forums?(1-10): 9
How active are you ingame?(1-10) 9
Favorite Mods: aikido and wushu
Make any textures: Yes
How do you make TC?: In-Game and with ART Requests.
Refrences(How you heard about this clan): I was searching in the forum and found this one. Looks a good one.
Tell us a 5 sentence paragraph about yourself(Very important): Hummm, i dont know...
Well, i live in Porto Alegre, Brazil ; got some hobbies like soccer and basketball and I like to watch NFL. Actually im 2nd Dan, because i used to play toribash years ago.I have some awesome friends here, but i dont know if they still play toribash. Thats it !
Please state if you have alts and their names and belt: No
:P i can post here to make you stay alive,
and mind if i ask a question why are you guys not active i forgot the reasoin
and also istakenalready this clan i a family clan for now and will be denied automatically
and also i see kickass online but why not post this forum?
Originally Posted by clipsall View Post
:P i can post here to make you stay alive,
and mind if i ask a question why are you guys not active i forgot the reasoin
and also istakenalready this clan i a family clan for now and will be denied automatically
and also i see kickass online but why not post this forum?

Exactly not that hard to understand Pur.
Were not active because we started school and we get like a lot of homework so we don't have time to check forums etc.
Yes you are right Clipsall this is a family clan for the time being.
Kick he goes on forums sometimes but I don't think he even posts anywhere though. Anyways new sparring replay rate it.
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Hey sorry guys but I'm gonna leave this clan. I've been trying to keep this clan alive for awhile now and I'm starting to get tired of it. Sorry it if this clan dies then rest in peace SicK.
I'm With KenGee... This Clan is going to die. We aren't that active and our leader only goes on like when he feel likes it since school started... Well... See ya..