Join the fire mage gang Faint, I am in Bahjeeras army atm, and then no guild on my druid, I am getting hype as hell for legion
my guild held a massive event today, 500 people in the mumble at once and probably more in-game when we were killing all horde faction leaders. we ended up crashing the server once and didn't manage to kill the thunderbluff leader because he kept glitching in combat, real strange. anyway, here are some of the screenshots i took while we were going along.

undercity sewers

taking over undercity

taking over orgrimmar

in the orgrimmar throne room

taking over silvermoon

chillin in the throne room

Damn dude, looks hectic xD reminds me of the invasions when they first started.

wtf are the rainbows though, a toy? Never seen it before
I forget, don't you get a special item or something once you kill all major city bosses, i forget what it is, or is it even a thing. Please refresh my knowledge
Originally Posted by McNuggets View Post
I forget, don't you get a special item or something once you kill all major city bosses, i forget what it is, or is it even a thing. Please refresh my knowledge

You get a bear mount. Pretty sure it's black
RIP [duck] Aug 28 2011 - April 20 2020
Originally Posted by McNuggets View Post
Oh yeah that's right, isn't it the Black War Bear or something of that nature.

Yeah. Its just a re-color of the brown bear you buy from Dalaran, which, to be honest, kind of sucks.
RIP [duck] Aug 28 2011 - April 20 2020
I don't have many mounts, before my subscription ran out I ran a few old instances to get some mounts and shit, I really need to get my subscription back before Legion starts