yo varkenoss!

a set

Made it for a request but the requester bought another set... this is another reason why i don't like doing requests...
Last edited by aerox21; Mar 12, 2011 at 10:55 AM.
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Free textures
Rox, give it to him, he deserve it.
I would like to bid... But, I don't have 512x512 textures, sorry.

I'm getting it on Monday i'm watching some matches tho :P

Ya guys have Skype, Steam or MSN?

and Which is the best race to start of? Protoss, Zerg or Terran? (I personally love Protoss)
I'm Tasty and I know it.
I like Rocks.
Terran would be best to start off. Each race are equal and take a different talent to really be good at to handle a race.
Like the zerg are for pro mircros and rushers. Protoss are usually for mid to hi pushers, and require good macro and unite structure
Terran are all start and power, good unite combos and timing etc.

But i play terran and use 3 hellion drops, 4 barrack rushes, 2 barrack + zergling rushes, all kinds of stuff.
Alright I'll try to start of with the terran :P

ya haven't answered my other question

you guys have Skype, steam, msn? so we can talk more "detailed" without spamming this thread
I'm Tasty and I know it.
I like Rocks.