Originally Posted by Saiko View Post
that's tuff

never had girl my whole life

my sympathy bro, but are you really looking for a girl or do you feel more comfortable alone at the moment?

Originally Posted by calm View Post
Step 1. Find a way to truly start hating her that'll replace your feelings of sadness with anger which isn't really better but hey who wants to be sad all the time.
Step 2. As time goes on you'll just overall think of it less and less
Step 3. It's really just not worth your time in the first place to be stuck on something so stupid you just have to accept that it happened and let it go move on with your life and just go more with friends or go make new ones
Step 4. Profito.

I know it's a lot harder than it sounds but it'll happen naturally overtime anyway but you can speed up the process by forcing yourself to do more like going to the gym or hanging out with friends/family or making new friends.

Truth that, thanks for the kind words! But yeah, easier than said... right. Its hard to trick your own mind.
Originally Posted by Dead View Post
Life is an illusion.

Wake me up please.

Water Melon, Fire Melon, Earth Melon, Air Melon... The ELEMELONS!
Originally Posted by BlueEvil View Post

Truth that, thanks for the kind words! But yeah, easier than said... right. Its hard to trick your own mind.

Wake me up please.


also It's very hard to trick your own mind but all the things that you think are malleable and with time you can "trick" / change your mind about things if you give yourself enough time and put effort into actively changing your thought processes it's very hard at first but it's something that does genuinely work
Painshient Moderated Message:
This user loves Kanye West and we appreciate him for it.
Wake meee uupp!!! Do it!!

Yeah it is, like.. you have to want to change your mind, otherwise it will probably not work out. And at the moment i dont even know if i want to change my mind, everything is nonsense to me right now, i think the best description would be i have nothing i want to change for. Not even myself.

Water Melon, Fire Melon, Earth Melon, Air Melon... The ELEMELONS!
yo mama so stupid she studied for the Covid-19 test
Painshient Moderated Message:
This user loves Kanye West and we appreciate him for it.
Ahahaha ok thats a good one haven't heared of that one before xD

Thats one of my favorites : "Your mother pulls catapults to gondor."

Water Melon, Fire Melon, Earth Melon, Air Melon... The ELEMELONS!
heh both of those are pretty good honestly might have to use them at some point
Painshient Moderated Message:
This user loves Kanye West and we appreciate him for it.
yo mama so stupid
pm me your questions or applications


dance with my dogs in the night time
cash to burn
Ancient, Let me make one thing super clear. Insulting me gets you nowhere.
I never even agreed to let you post before you did.
You're at the top of my shit list and unless you fix your act, you'll stay there.
You were chill before you did stupid shit, and now you seem to think you're allowed to be a giant memer and have no consequences for being annoying.
You're being annoying, stop being so annoying.
Originally Posted by Ancient View Post
yo mama so stupid

This is stupid, and annoying.
Last edited by calm; Mar 21, 2021 at 03:50 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Painshient Moderated Message:
This user loves Kanye West and we appreciate him for it.