so now i have 810 ilvl. how? well, wasn't by drops. completed the rogue capmaign and got the 3rd artifact slot. still just gotten shit drops so far. having hopes for heroic dungs.

Originally Posted by McNuggets View Post
My computer had been acting up and running WoW really badly, so I got a new pc that runs it at 110 fps

nice. specs?
Dude mm hunter is op af in pvp, im only going pvp on it and I'm topping the damage charts and getting 10+ killing blows each bg xD its so fun lol.

In pve news, my prot war is now 819 going through heroics, got a 845 chest which was awesome.
if you can't complete heroics at 804 then you're doing something wrong or need to get better at the game, i was doing mythics on my mage at 800 and so was the rest of my guild. if you are sick of queue times then join a specific group looking for certain dungeons or start a walk-in heroic group. you guys should easily be able to clear most heroic dungeons at 800 unless you're really struggling with mechanics like on vault of wardens or something, i'd need to see a video of you and your group playing to determine exactly why you're failing at doing heroics at 800. most of what you've complained about seems like issues and slacking on your side opposed to rng itself. aside from that, after a week or so of play at 110, you should have more than just your class hall helmet. if that's all you have, then you're seriously falling behind and this stuff isn't even gated by ilvl. do suramar quests, you unlock a ton more dailies by completing stuff there. if you're worried about losing resources to upgrade an important piece of your gear that could bring you up to 810, go do world quests for resources and stop being lazy. talking about guilds, i literally faction changed and realm changed to join my guild, and i realize that option isn't available for everyone, but if you at least spend the time to look for a guild that will help you, it will be well worth it in the long run.

anyway, now that you're 810 (and i still don't believe you're getting 0 drops), you should be able to easily queue heroics and clear those very quickly. the thing with heroic queues is that everyone queues them (including high ilvl people) because they give AP and satchels with AP rewards all the time. now, if you tell me that you can't clear heroics at 810, then i don't know what to tell you.
Last edited by Faint; Sep 11, 2016 at 10:31 PM.
I will say with what Faint said, I wanted to help a guildie gear up today to be nice. Want a solid group for raids when they come out. I took a screenshot, but he's a shitty warlock and he was only doing 58k dps. Im still a very big noob at my rotation but I was top dps heroic violet at 178k

Today I'm doing all retro raids for mounts/transmog and I'm
Doing BGs for drops. Just waiting for the weekly reset.

Still no 3rd relic, so that'll be huge.
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
faint can you just stop xD. "most of what you've complained about seems like issues and slacking on your side opposed to rng itself." how the fuck is it slacking if i'm literally doing almost everything i can in order to gear up? xD.
- "yeah guys, so i did this rare. i got an item drop, but it was some relic for another class."
- "dude stop slacking."
- "weell.. i also did three dungeons, but i only got gear which was either an downgrade, or another class artifact relic, again."
- "dude you're bad at the game, or you're just being lazy."
- "...?"

like let's say if would've upgraded my gear instead of saving resources. since i was at 804, i'd probably be 805, or 806 if i'm lucky after multible upgrades. that's not much profit imo.

if you don't believe i get 0 drops, i'll stream it if you wish. as i said, expecting better things from heroics, but i'll gladly stream my wq's and other things.
and i never said the reason to why we failed was because of the ilvl. i just said everyone was geared badly, and it was one of the sources to why we died all the time. other sources was the tank who couldn't keep aggro on normal mobs. he didn't pull mobs out of aoe circles which you had to do. the healer wasn't really good at all and started giving heals when we dropped to 15% hp.

now i've got one more part from the class hall, which is a chest. i don't know what you've played, but i've been on the class hall things as much as i can. or well, i do think i skipped like a day of it.

i was off surumar quests for a bit, but went through alot of them today. didn't really get anything interesting, but i'm not going to say it isn't going to help me later on. i'm sure it will.

and to the resources thing, yeah. i could actually go out and do wq's for it. i'm not even going to say i haven't been lazy on that part, because i have.

and oh, about guilds. i'm in a friends' guild. we're not pushing raids or dungs. it's just something we'll do off time, so that is something i also can do something about, but won't. i'm not going to say i'm not doing something wrong when it comes to that part.

i have better hopes for heroics, since i've always been that guy who learns the tactics and knows what to stay out of/inside of/behind. now can we stop talking about it? a friend of mine says legion is too rng based, but he didn't have the problems i have, and have geared up to 821 as of writing this. he's saying legion is well rng based as well. i'm not going to say you are wrong, but i'm going to agree with his opinion, due to personal experience which has been well shared here.
Last edited by Hours; Sep 11, 2016 at 11:08 PM.
Originally Posted by Hours View Post
faint can you just stop xD. "most of what you've complained about seems like issues and slacking on your side opposed to rng itself." how the fuck is it slacking if i'm literally doing almost everything i can in order to gear up? xD.
- "yeah guys, so i did this rare. i got an item drop, but it was some relic for another class."
- "dude stop slacking."
- "weell.. i also did three dungeons, but i only got gear which was either an downgrade, or another class artifact relic, again."
- "dude you're bad at the game, or you're just being lazy."
- "...?"

like let's say if would've upgraded my gear instead of saving resources. since i was at 804, i'd probably be 805, or 806 if i'm lucky after multible upgrades. that's not much profit imo.

if you don't believe i get 0 drops, i'll stream it if you wish. as i said, expecting better things from heroics, but i'll gladly stream my wq's and other things.
and i never said the reason to why we failed was because of the ilvl. i just said everyone was geared badly, and it was one of the sources to why we died all the time. other sources was the tank who couldn't keep aggro on normal mobs. he didn't pull mobs out of aoe circles which you had to do. the healer wasn't really good at all and started giving heals when we dropped to 15% hp.

now i've got one more part from the class hall, which is a chest. i don't know what you've played, but i've been on the class hall things as much as i can. or well, i do think i skipped like a day of it.

i was off surumar quests for a bit, but went through alot of them today. didn't really get anything interesting, but i'm not going to say it isn't going to help me later on. i'm sure it will.

and to the resources thing, yeah. i could actually go out and do wq's for it. i'm not even going to say i haven't been lazy on that part, because i have.

and oh, about guilds. i'm in a friends' guild. we're not pushing raids or dungs. it's just something we'll do off time, so that is something i also can do something about, but won't. i'm not going to say i'm not doing something wrong when it comes to that part.

i have better hopes for heroics, since i've always been that guy who learns the tactics and knows what to stay out of/inside of/behind. now can we stop talking about it? a friend of mine says legion is too rng based, but he didn't have the problems i have, and have geared up to 821 as of writing this. he's saying legion is well rng based as well. i'm not going to say you are wrong, but i'm going to agree with his opinion, due to personal experience which has been well shared here.

sorry but if you've been doing 'everything' you can do to gear up, you would be close to 840 if not above 840 just like literally everyone in my guild who has similar/the same playtime as i do. i'm talking about hundreds of hardcore raiders and also hundreds of very casual players as well, one of the guilds is for people who just want to join the community. there are close to 1000 or 2000 people actively playing every day spread across my 4 guilds, and not 1 of them are going through the same issue you are going through. have people complained about rng? sure, rng is always an issue, but no one is sitting there after more than a week of progression at 110 and saying "well still stuck below 810 because rng is fucking me over". yes, it is you slacking because if you weren't slacking then you would be doing upwards of 5-10 dungeons a day in attempts to gear up including wqs and class hall and artifact stuff, not a few dungeons since you've hit 110. in what you just typed out, you are perfectly explaining progression and how progression works in terms of rng. if you say that you've done 3 dungeons and haven't really gotten any upgrades, then go do 3 more. hell, go do 20 more because 3 dungeons clearly isn't going to boost your ilvl at all.

would you mind sharing dps charts from skada for those heroics you've said was everyone else's fault? i really hate tanking mythics on my warrior sometimes because there are people who sit at 80k dps, and it's great if you know your rotations and how to dps, but if you're only dpsing and not focusing on mechanics then this is almost worse than having low dps from my perspective.

yes - this expansion is rng based like literally every single world of warcraft expansion, especially near the start. wqs are mostly random, sure, but if you've been 110 since the first week and have been checking wqs every day and doing the important ones you should at the very least have several 810+ pieces of gear, there were a ton of gear wqs early on.

also something that may help me - can you tell me what your /played is at level 110? my mage who is 845 is nearing 4 days at 110 and my warrior who is currently 822 is about 17 hours at 110 (yes, this is quicker than normal). i would like to assume that you're probably sitting at less than a day played time and that would probably make the most sense considering what you've told me (having done like 3 dungeons or whatever, and just now hitting your 3rd relic), but if you are sitting at 2+ days played, it is beyond clear that rng is not the problem.

and yeah i maybe shouldn't have gone into this as much as i have, but i really think what you're saying is straight out wrong. saying that rng has fucked you over and rng is the only reason hax and i are 830+ is silly. if you want as well, i can stream mythics or other stuff from my mage's perspective if you'd like to see what people expect dps-wise. also yeah, last thing i'm trying to say is that you're "lying" or something, it just seems like you're making excuses for half of the reasons you have a low ilvl.

Originally Posted by Bodhisattva View Post
I will say with what Faint said, I wanted to help a guildie gear up today to be nice. Want a solid group for raids when they come out. I took a screenshot, but he's a shitty warlock and he was only doing 58k dps. Im still a very big noob at my rotation but I was top dps heroic violet at 178k

Today I'm doing all retro raids for mounts/transmog and I'm
Doing BGs for drops. Just waiting for the weekly reset.

Still no 3rd relic, so that'll be huge.

nice man, 178k average is great. warlocks are probably the worst pve class right now so it's not totally his fault. rogues have pretty huge dps right now, and if you're pulling 178k average you're fine for mythics. try doing some of the easier ones like darkheart or eye, just make sure you know what to do for each boss and try to avoid mechanics as opposed to just spamming cds. if you were alliance i would run a few with you because they're really a lot easier than people think, i was doing the easier ones at 800 on my mage the first few days.

would people be interested in me streaming the content? i do most mythic runs with my guild but i can stream pugs or wqs or heroics or whatever as well, lemme know.
Last edited by Faint; Sep 12, 2016 at 03:10 AM.
okay so despite this whole thing going on, yeah, you should stream if you want to, and i'd probably check on it sometime to maybe learn mythic tactics or something.

no, i cannot share the dps from the one heroic i did back then. i have a bad tendency of cleaning it up when i see it full of things. believe me or not, but that is the truth. however, considering my average dps being around 160-180k, and at the time i was trying to both get out of damage, because of the healer, and because i had to stand outside of the aoe circle and just wait for it to go off, because they wouldn't pull it, i'd expect myself to be at about 100k dps or so. not good at all. nor am i really trying to say i did good. i by no mean was the leading guy who did everything right. yeah i knew that aoe would've killed me with the healer we had, so i did the right thing to stand out of it, but instead of leaving i probably could have explained for them what they should do at certain situations. i'm definently blaming myself for not staying.

i'll do /played for you, but it won't be accurate, because i'm a roleplayer and spend time on roleplaying as well. i'm not saying i roleplay more than push for gear. not at all.

now we're to this part where you missunderstand me. i don't mean rng is the only reason you and hax are at higher ilvl. you pushed for it harder than i did, which is great. honestly, i'm not saying i should be as high as you guys are right now, because i haven't been at it as much as you two, as many others alike.
however, i'm still standing by the fact that i've done almost all wq's i can do. early on there were alot of gear one's, yeah. none of them got me high enough, though, clearly.
tell me i'm lying all you want. i've probably made it seem pretty one sided because of how butthurt i've been over it, but it's all been true.
i do get your point and i'm not mad or something. you guys pushed harder, yeah. i get that.

honestly, we're going to be stuck on it if we don't just put it down. so, i got into a heroic, got a heroic back and felt good about it. got the 3rd relic as i said in my previous spot and put a higher ilvl relic into it, as well as another higher ilvl relic into the second slot.
Once you can queue heroics its all easy from there, dungeons get faster because people are over geared and drops can proc up to 850. (got a 845 on my first heroic) the procs are rng though but they happen. They made it so over time of getting nothing, you have a higher chance of getting something next time.

There are a few gear wqs each day, do those. (as your ilvl gets higher, so do the drops. Im 819 right now and my gear wq drop 820-830 which can proc higher etc)

Do your emissary wqs for a chance at sick stuff like the fox mount, a legendary or what say you.

You've completed your class order hall campaign so some of the class order hall gear should be availbe to buy, get them (they are 810+) and at the same vendor you can buys upgrades that make it from 810 to 820 and then 820 to 830. It's pretty reasonable.

The rest you can do is farm hc dungeons. Lfr will require 825 ilvl so i guess just try get above that asap so you don't miss it.

But play at your own pace though, if you're not having fun, you're doing it wrong. Try pvp for a bit maybe, did that with my hunter and finally enjoyed playing it, my warr can do all the pve stuffs because tanking is a cool experience and I want to try keep up with the raids this time. I usually only make it half way through normals before giving up and doing other stuff (just such a hassle to do 3 hour raids twice a week past my "bedtime" otherwise the following day Im just dead to the world. xD
Hey faint I'm using your spreadsheet, thanks on that.

I'm hearing that at around level 12-13, you should funnel AP into your off spec, because of the insane AP difference. Then touch the rest back on your main. Thoughts ?
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
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