toabytooby|50k|Right Hand Flame|Demon Flame.
toabytooby|50k|Left Hand Flame|Demon Flame.
you speak english or portuguese?so what are you waiting for? No-Mercy is Recruiting,Join now!
can you make me a elf right foot?
for 80K?

if not? can i wait tell theres a open space?
TehCaek owns this acc! BWAHAHA!
Hopeman2: you won't be on the list for this week with 80k. You could always wait, but it could be more expensive next week.
This bid list will be over within the next few hours. A new list will start afterwards.
Dentian|150k|Head Flame| Aura Flame
Dentian|150k|Right Hand Flame| Aura Flame
Master Space Dragon of Element

Some textures my result in a loss of quality when resized(if they do i will put APPLY in the post with the texture)

Check my Texture shop

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