As people have said before the opener was a little stiff although the double kick was pretty nice and the destrukshun was fun to witness. The skeets were the highlights of the replay pretty much and they looked nice as well. 9.2 Vikings out of 10.
<BISH> kick chan my modes are moving on their own~
For the most recent replay (too lazy to spell the name out. Schwahalsjkdaskeet?).

I liked the opener, cool little spin on the ground

I disliked hour you grabbed Uke in two places; made you look really stiff and slowed you down.

The first boom was nice, could've been bigger but it's no big deal.

The second boom was pretty good too, but a bit messy since you were all over Uke.

The torso skeet was great, I like how you were able to pull off the decap.

The transition into the glute skeet was pretty great, you looked really smoooth.

The actual glute skeet was good, nothing really special. You have some great aim though.

I'd give this replay a solid 8.7/10.
Assasinated was great. Only thing i would change is the first lift. Besides that really smooth 9.5/10.
Swaosh was very nice 9/10. My only gripe was that the replay didn't look smooth. It seemed as though you were holding the whole time. Besides that terrific job.
Last edited by Lom0; Mar 13, 2013 at 11:54 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Holy penis.
Amazing replay you did here, I really enjoyed the skeets, specially the first one.
Keep it up bro o7
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[17:41] <@pusga> i want to cum inside dave
Alright so I'm just going to be a dick okay.

I really don't know what's so good about the skeet. The grab wasn't very well placed to be honest and the two body parts combined are heavy enough to dismember the neck quite easily.
The first kick was very wierd, specially with that double grab. Maybe it's because you kicked with your shin, and I don't have a problem with that, but it was not a good decision in this case.
Why would you kick with the same leg again? You just broke the flow. The kick itself looked good, but I felt like gravity did part of the job for you, because there wasn't much penetration.
I did like how you grabbed the lumbar for the skeet though. The second skeet was not necessary at all, it just looked like it was made for filling.
oh yeah
Thanks for all the cnc guys.
Here's a quick splitcap, it's quite enjoyable imo.
I am working on some major things but I thought I would still upload some quick replays.

So what do you think? ^^
Attached Files
Z - Wheel.rpl (156.5 KB, 66 views)
Great replay, the opener was a bit weird but the way you dm'ed that knee wand then used the grab to land a kick was really unique, loved it.
The last part before the pose looks a bit stiff, but the pose was nice.
I can't fucking believe that kick. First of all, knee grabs always look great and that windmill was just godlike, it was fast, solid, powerful and just looked extremely badass. I just love that kind of kicks and it was just so fucking good.
The pose was good, but not comparable to the kick.
oh yeah