I ould say that you are doing something wrong then Casey... are you sure you re-downloaded the newest version?
It will be posted when it gets out of beta phase... I'm still adding more features and i want it to be fairly complete when i do a post-beta release... Working ATM on a super gauge that charges, and you can press a key to activate it, and have instagib or instafrac for a certain amount of frames on your fists... Stay tuned to IRC for more betas..
 ____  _____  __  __  _  _  ___  _  _ 
(  _ \(  _  )(  )(  )( \( )/ __)( \/ )
 ) _ < )(_)(  )(__)(  )  (( (__  \  / 
(____/(_____)(______)(_)\_)\___) (__) 
that b weird i put it in the script area and it doesnt show. what did i do wrong??
Originally Posted by Dexter
if god is with me and if i belived in god and im sure he is in the room with me, i just wish he brought a extention cord