Originally Posted by CMon View Post
but with the huge portion of the budget the Bush government threw into military business, there ought to be quite a lot of grub to get from there.

Except we need that to pay off our huge national debt.
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well
Originally Posted by War_Hero View Post
Except we need that to pay off our huge national debt.

Ohright. Silly me.

To be honest, with the financial crisis going bonkers around the globe right now, budgets and such are iffy things. So much for capitalism, eh? ;)
Originally Posted by waphtuos View Post
Socialism is bad because theres no incentive to actually work..

I'll just assume you meant communism.

The use of rational reasoning, or propoganda w/e, could easily make people work. Other times, that is not even needed, some people love their work. Even if one assumes an equal wage for everyone (which was not the case in the USSR fyi) you can still enforce it with a sort of police. But if you don't want that, there's also another (rational) answer.

Humans have a tendancy to want to work as less as possible - this is true in any society, be its labor market based on capatalistic principle or communistic principle, thus there will, over time, be more effeciency and such. In modern society, a surplus of goods is to be witnessed - and it grows ever higher as time goes by. In capatalism most of this surplus goes to the wealthier nations - while in communism it goes to everyone. Now if you're a worker in such a society, the goverment will most likely give your factory/farm/whatever the hell you have a certain status quoto it has to fufill in order to get benefits - this is something the whole factory has to work for. So, what if, a worker could finish the status quoto for the day earlier than ussual, then they would have more free time at home, no? If this was extended to a status quoto for a year, this means if the workers are very effecient in their factory, and if they finished the status quoto early, then wouldn't they logically have the next few months of the year for vacation? Work harder in this case and you'll get more free time and with it time for education, the world, exotic foods, whatever the hell you want.

If you want historical example to how good the econemy works, then I'll give several;

The USSR, although not a real communism in any way, rather, a socialism with a dictator in power, was not prone to the recessions experienced by the usa/capatalistic economies every 5 years. It was far more stabile, and right before its fall it had a steady GDP increase ( , don't think that former ussr countries are rich now anyways - most of the citzens in former USSR countries now live in poverty, the rich are just super rich) with the USSR having half of the GDP than that of the USA. Still, I find it funny that even with a high GDP that the USA has 20% of its people live in poverty.

Cuba, need I say more? Even with an embargo from that the USA put on Cuba, it's econemy is thriving, it has a very good health care and education system.

Venezuela's recent prosperity - ever since the introduction of socialistic elements into the econemy, it has steadily risen.
Last edited by Deprived_OLD; Sep 11, 2009 at 01:36 PM.
tl;dr: deprived is spergin'

User infracted: Useless post.
Last edited by hanz0; Sep 13, 2009 at 03:42 AM.
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