Originally Posted by Shmevin View Post
Fuck CVS

Originally Posted by nervau View Post
The Great Toribash TC Sellers Alliance really held hands and pledged to sell TC on that 12k/$ bullshit LOLLL

Originally Posted by Fire View Post
Their own members arent even selling at that rate themselfs, how are they even expecting this to work? Worst idea ever

Smaguris, let these posts go to show that the people who set the price do not care about farming, or the health of the economy, or a fair exchange price, or anything of the sort.

a reminder from the OP:

WHEREAS: The peer-to-peer cash-for-TC exchange market has for too long been run by randomness, and the going price set by the whims of those without our best interest in mind.

these posts show not only the randomness and lack of forethought behind the current exchange price, but malice! there is malice behind it! I appreciate that you think about it critically, smaguris, but no one else does.

moreover, a ban on bot farming could be another goal of this organization--seeking to lower the price and banning the practices which keep it inflated go hand in hand.
This organization is a meme. You purposefully named this org and stole the logo from a pharmacy chain, the manner that you're speaking in is unnatural, vocabulary is embarrassingly misused, none of your members are actually committing to 12k/$1 rate. The fact that people believe you're serious or that this can actually work is laughable.

I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt by calling this roleplay, because if you're serious it brings your ethics and intelligence into question.
Originally Posted by Shmevin View Post
This organization is a meme. You purposefully named this org and stole the logo from a pharmacy chain, the manner that you're speaking in is unnatural, vocabulary is embarrassingly misused, none of your members are actually committing to 12k/$1 rate. The fact that people believe you're serious or that this can actually work is laughable.

I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt by calling this roleplay, because if you're serious it brings your ethics and intelligence into question.

But my question is:

Would't a lower rate benefit us all? Ofc some people would sell at higher rates, but overall the rate would drop.
Pm me for deals
Originally Posted by Insanity View Post
But my question is:

Would't a lower rate benefit us all? Ofc some people would sell at higher rates, but overall the rate would drop.

Depends on who you are referring to by "us all." Based on the original post, this campaign only seeks to benefit the sellers. How does establishing this artificial rate benefit buyers?
Is anyone ACTUALLY going to buy at 12k/usd at this point? Won't raising prices just lead to less people buying?

Even if you somehow manage to get every verified seller in on this to form some sort of molopoly how tf are you gonna enforce anything at all lmao. You can't possibly keep track of every single transaction. Everyone is going to cheat

This is funny but there's gotta be better ways to make money fellas. Like a job or something
Originally Posted by Shmevin View Post
... the manner that you're speaking in is unnatural, vocabulary is embarrassingly misused ...

if there are any instances of misspellings or misused words, i'd ask you to please point them out so i can edit for clarity. (ironically, i think you meant 'purposely' and not 'purposefully', if we're nit-picking here!)
Originally Posted by Shmevin View Post
Depends on who you are referring to by "us all." Based on the original post, this campaign only seeks to benefit the sellers. How does establishing this artificial rate benefit buyers?

the fact is that the entire community benefits when the sellers prosper. the more lucrative having/selling TC becomes, the more motivated the population generally is to play/market/compete. it's a stretch to suggest that increasing the price of TC, even if it were a substantial percentage, is an ethical quandary of any kind. buyers will feel no real difference whether their $10 buys 120k, 150k, or 200k, whereas sellers will care whether their 1kk is worth $50 or $100.
Originally Posted by jisse View Post
Is anyone ACTUALLY going to buy at 12k/usd at this point? Won't raising prices just lead to less people buying?

this is the fear that has driven prices upward slowly from the beginning. my theory is that, while there will be initial price shock, sales will go back to normal in less than 6 months.

Even if you somehow manage to get every verified seller in on this to form some sort of molopoly how tf are you gonna enforce anything at all lmao. You can't possibly keep track of every single transaction. Everyone is going to cheat

every single transaction is tracked now and archived on the forums. if you fail to record your transaction and someone finds out, you get banned. also, it frankly doesn't matter if anyone 'cheats'. like insanity said, the whole point of this org is to lower prices generally and put sellers in the drivers seat, not iron-fist the market.

This is funny but there's gotta be better ways to make money fellas. Like a job or something

it isn't about the money either—making the economy better is in itself a worthy end. surely, someone who spends so much fucking time on his replays would understand that not everything is about money
Last edited by HiPower; Sep 4, 2019 at 01:21 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by Shmevin View Post
Depends on who you are referring to by "us all." Based on the original post, this campaign only seeks to benefit the sellers. How does establishing this artificial rate benefit buyers?

Are u a seller or a buyer? By us all ofc i mean people that sell.
Buying tc is sort of like cheating. We are lucky that tb allows these kind of selling for real money and open market.
Buyers will buy no matter what. Like they did before when rate was 10k/$. Its you choise tho. You have to want it, others will sell at better rates but they will run out of tc and the general rate will drop. Maybe not 12 but even a 15-17 would be better.
Pm me for deals
Ain't gonna work when u not even the top balla for tc sales. If u had like 95% of tc sales under your group it could work but without Itemp and shmevin on board there is no point. Even still people will always under cut.