Original Post
Design a Shield!

You and your fellow Vikings are lacking in good looks, so it has been left up to you to design a fearsome and threatening shield design to spice things up a bit.

Your job is to create a design/pattern to appear on the face side of THIS Viking shield (found in spoiler below.)
There will be one winner and honorable mentions, they all will receive prizes, including a Viking Shield with their own design on on it.

Be sure to edit your design onto this shield.


-No plagiarism
-No inappropriate designs (Sexual, offensive etc)

-Read General Rules for all of the rules of the forums and what content you post; they all apply.



60, 000 ToriCredits


With your custom design

Honorable Mentions:


With your custom design

ES Team

Aspects you will be judged on:


3 weeks after this post.

August 24th, 0.00 hs (GMT 0)

Item Previews

Last edited by Sneaky; Sep 1, 2018 at 12:58 AM.
ES Member | [a] Adventure
can we have the item file so we can see what the shield looks like ingame?

Toribash Season 1 Rank 3 | Ex-ES Artist | Ex-Mascot of [Alpha]
1 - if i change my shield do i need to post a new reply or just edit the first one?
2 - if i have more than 1 reply does the first one count or the last one?
Originally Posted by ASTRA View Post


Finished :^)

Okay Astra... you fucking beast of a man, Really awsome art work
Originally Posted by Last View Post
this needs to win because this would actually be a shield back then. Based on the fucking big noodle around the earth

Last, you got your noodles mixed, Quetzalcoatl is Meso-american

The norse sea noodle is Jormungandr, which I've drawn :v
Playing like trash to catch everyone off guard with a single-turn decap someday
Originally Posted by Papa View Post
ok neko gave my the ok for concept art, hope someone can turn this into smth cool if it wins, i'm terrible at art so this is all i could do, i can also provide a worded description of it and work with w/e to make it as neat as possible


papa wins just look at this master peice
Idk where my bossboy020 account is bru