That guy on the very right is Thepwnsaur(I saw him on the member list so...)...also...thanks for the hands critic Ard I spoted a mistake at Thepwnsaur`s right hand :3 *opens C4D*
Last edited by vladvlad; Aug 20, 2009 at 04:41 PM.
Proud member of [Pandora]
He's in? *goes and takes a peek at the roster*
master of the universe
I see him, hehe. The hands need a bit more posing thing, they're just relaxed like that

Also, you should use the tori-render in blender in the art board :3 xD
master of the universe
Hey vlad and ard
I'm just waiting for Mrama's Reply on my set req.
Will be done soon dw
UTM 4ever |4bb не для слабаков
LOL ardge: Not Amber force just regular
Vlad: C4D not Blender? anyway... Nice job, I now have a new Desktop Background.

Is it possible to get me between the "D" and the "O"
Last edited by ThePwnsaur; Aug 22, 2009 at 01:59 AM.
[Core] + [Retribution] = [Pandora]
Anyone mind if I have a go at a clan pic too?
crazylars: Nope, I'm just dumb
I miss you Foxfaeg, I will never forget you <3
Originally Posted by Brubert View Post
Anyone mind if I have a go at a clan pic too?

I forbide you from even trying, bad Brubert, bad Brubert!

heck I don't think why anyone would be against it...
tl;dr: deprived is spergin'
Go ahead Brubert. Feel free to do it. I'll be rewarding you 10k from me as well to be fair about it. :3

@ Pwnsaur: Oh, lol.

I also have a new desktop wallpaper
master of the universe