but in fact: teamviewer is too slow for playing games on other pc's or iPod.
it works, that's right. but in my opinion, it's nothing compared with the PC version. becuase on PC u got like 60 fps and on the iPod, u got 25fps max. Furthermore u have to click every single joint, what's kinda bad after a time playing it.
so i think it is nice, but if u got the chance to play it on pc, better do that

#Edit: anyway: rep for the creative idea
Originally Posted by bobross101 View Post
does it has multiplayer?

it should because you get internet connection but

dude, you are the best im speechless 10/10
this really helps when im at school bored but it ended before you made this so i guess ill just use it when i don't feel like walking 5 feet to my computer from the couch
Originally Posted by pigking45 View Post
so i guess ill just use it when i don't feel like walking 5 feet to my computer from the couch

I was about to say how ridiculously lazy that would be, but I'm too lazy to press the button on my TV remote sometimes. Anyway...


Oops. I just noticed a space above in between awesome and ness. Meh, I'm too lazy to fix that.
(Insert some form of an animation or a slightly wise and/or satyrical statement here)
This is really a great idea rave. Thanks 10/10. I never seen nothig like this before in my life.
I'm back :)
Oh god, thanks sooooooo fregging much dude.
now guess what?
+rep ;)
7th Dan
As Free as I can be.
lol i just figured out something to do in school other than talking :P

tnx rav <3