I've been following this for too long, did not have a say since it is perfect ...
The hands you are not finished right?
Because it STILL does not match the head,(colors etc)
And I think the thumb is a little dark.
(I do not have the patience to make hands with this quality).
[No-Mercy ~Co-Lider] [BTO ~Member] [T3AL ~Member] [JUJU ~ é treta]
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Need one set? Head? Art? PM-me.

hands almost finished, but i didnt post wips(except fist),will post when it will be ready.
About patience.. I dont have the patience also, when im drawing for request's, and in most cases i'm dissapointed by result. And when i have not limited time, im just drawing for my pleasure, polishing each detail.. Thats the main reason i dont want to take requests.
Simply stunning man. The fist's mapping is excellent. Great details and use of shading. There's no fault in it so far imo as I couldn't find any D;

10/10 Keep it up can't wait to see it finished
That symbol under arm looks weird and bad looking there imo.
Perhaps remove that and make armor part go under the arm near albow joint aswell.
(You probably didnt understand what i said but meh anyway)
With upper side of the arm i got nothin to complain about. It looks good as it is now.
It's All About Expansion
Woah, I don't think I can find anything I don't like about this.
Nice work mate 10/10 from me.
Life is like Basketball. Aim, Concentrate, Balance and Following through. That's all you ever need to accomplish your goals.