Originally Posted by coloo View Post
Meh, he seems a little inactive, 121 posts in over 2 years?

it means that he have not useless posts, like some of members... post when it needed. i can understand.
but if someone have 4000 posts in 6 months, its spammer 4 me.

Zinx, sorry, but you can try again next time.
Last edited by Miska; Jan 11, 2010 at 04:15 PM.
Hello M'lady. I would like to join this wonderful club. Would you please speculate the possibility of my acceptance?
Last edited by Lyak; Jan 12, 2010 at 02:27 AM.
I say yes immediatly, he is a nice person, generally polite and im sure there are a couple of other bonusses i do not know about yet. I do hope that the head of the table agrees with my decision.
Borgy it's a place liek a made for you.
i know you are real Gentlemen so from now you are sir Borgy
welcome and feel like at home ;]

UricHunt: sorry, but 16 posts per day ? i saw some of them and we don't need a spam like this here...
Hi. My name is Huck (previously Huckman). I joined Toribash in February 2009, took a leave of absence during the months of summer (June-August), and returned to the community in September. I would love to be a part of this organization that promotes respectable behavior and proper manners. I enjoy helping those in need, especially the new players because I remember what it was like to be a new player.

Thank you for your time.

...And for the record, I love drinking Asian tea (green, jasmine, etc).