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[Championship]Air Hockey!

Do you got what it takes to be an Air Hockey professional? Here's your chance to prove it!

Some essencial rules:

Every player has to send 5k TC to airhockeybank to join the competition (don't worry, it has 20 QI to send the prize).
There will be 50 spots to fill in, but don't wait too long!
The - huge - prizes are: 150k for 1st place and 100k for 2nd place.
You can battle whenever you want, although you shouldn't take long time to do it.
If your opponent is inactive, tell us and we will take him of the list (in case if he gets more than 4 days inactive).
Call one of the hosts to spectate in your match.
You win a match with the "first to 3" duel system; If the disc passes the opponent's goal, you auto-win a round; Otherwise, you must fight to get the point.
If you win the match, post here the results.
You must use the mod airhockey.tbm

Meet the hosts:


Here's the ladder. For the first round, the players will battle against the player on their right/left side.

Air Hockey Ladder 10/50

I'll fill it up when someone signs in for the competition.

Good luck to everyone! Enjoy!
Feel free to post any questions.

Design by pal
Last edited by pal; Jun 8, 2011 at 07:20 PM.
Originally Posted by trikskier View Post
When is this going to start?

When there are 50 spots filled in.
Originally Posted by pal View Post
When the 26th person signs in, but you can train at single player meanwhile.

I think the question has already been answered.

Oh, and there are 10 people in the tourney until further.
[Fr3styL]|TNT|Rooyall: Wanna smell my dick? Me: Why not? Rooyall: That's what I ask the girls all the time..
I've sent the 5,000 TC entrance fee, but I haven't been added to the list yet.
This is getting dead, unfortunately, therefore I'm going to send the TC back to the respective people.

Thanks for trying though.