Pepper Spray, Awesome Tazer, Baseball bat (32oz) & Father's collection of knives including a recently acquired replica of Rambo's Bowie knife..
3 katanas from big to small an army knive a baseballbat and will get soon a hidden blade like in assassins creed ;)
I used to have a dangerous parrot that likes human meat but yeah, now I only have kitchen knives and a dangerous spade.
will i belive in the right to protect my self so
ihave Mossberg 590A1 and Remington 870 shotgun at my house
you know what they say 2 beter then one
sorry for the pic size

Ima redneck so there are more guns in my house then i can count probably plus my stepdad makes bows. Err if we are counting lighters and gas i got lots of that also an oxyacetlyne torch and a bug net i made outa some sticks and a pillowcase
<Swyne> <3 Fleip
A modified M249 Light Machine gun
A modified AK-47
Two basic M4A1s
A scoped M16A4
A Dargonov sniper rifle.
A Desert Eagle
A couple of hunting rifles and some knifes

I modified the M249, the increased rate of fire will blow your mind and I took our unnecessary parts so it is as heavy as the AK-47 (Maybe a few KG over).
Last edited by Adrian; Jun 11, 2011 at 12:37 PM.
and definitely not in defenestration gaming
I got kitchen utensils, fists, 2 guitars that can be dangerous, my dads bottles and my BIG BLACK MONSTER PENIS.
High quality avatars and signatures 5k each or 7k for bundles.