Name : AzureMage
Age : 20
Favorite old school system : SNES
Favorite old school game (what system you like it for) : Chrono Trigger (SNES)
Favorite new game : Infinite Undiscovery
Favorite new system : Xbox 360
Why you want to join us : It's rare to find people with appreciation for the old school
Tell us at-least 1 paragraph about yourself (if its less than a paragraph auto reject): I've been gaming since birth, realistically since age 5 or 6, I still prefer the 8-32 bit games to any other no matter how graphically advanced things get. I've owned pretty much one of every system from the atari to the recent consoles. I'm a huge fan of rpg's and the age of rpg's for the most part was the 90's everything nowadays is all action and shooting. Although that's my favorite genre it's not my limit I love any and all games that are truly great.
Do you still play old school systems and games : Yes, daily
Give us details about your favorite old school game : Chrono trigger is a turn based rpg from the 90's originally released for the SNES, you play as Chrono a kid who bumps into his kingdoms princess one day and ends up traveling through time in an experiment gone wrong, taking him and his allies he gains along the way on a journey through time from lavos, the planet eating parasite.
When did the system release (must be 2002 and lower) Early 90's Varies with country's
When did the game release (must be 2002 and lower) : 1995
Present to me the most beautiful woman, and I shall reward you with chronos