stiffness is my own kind of realism, ye

i get what you guys are saying, yet i don't at the same time

anyway, dance event replay and more over-glorified corks
Attached Files
_Marrez_GrooveTutKrunkBreak.rpl (477.9 KB, 47 views)
_trickerz - silver shekels.rpl (298.0 KB, 39 views)
Last edited by Marrez; Nov 3, 2015 at 10:24 PM.
the goblin
the opener was a bit rusty and you messed up a bit with arms at some parts.except for that des replay es neat.
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
A little twitchy here and there, particularly on your jumps and landings. I think you rely on kicking the ground with your toes a little too much when jumping. Regardless, I think that this replay had good flow and the creativity was there. Nice replay!

Gave you a dl. I really like that you're wearing your old set again
Co-leader of Nitro | Replays
Combo's were nice. I wish I could do that, your very well rounded in your replay making Marrez. nice job.
still learning this parkour stuff

running from the cops, as usual
Attached Files
_p _ do you feel the buzz.rpl (1.23 MB, 57 views)
the goblin
The first frontflip looked too sudden, I'd run more leaned over when going up that ramp to keep more forward momentum and look better. Your slide on your face could've been better but I like the dismount and how you launch yourself through the hole. After the 0 friction sliding section, your airtime was really stiff, and your landing was less than stellar (but not bad). Everything else after here was really nice, if a bit slow. Everything from 1530 onward was cool, especially those hurdles, you did a great job on them. Your tricks down the stairs looked really good, and your jump off the stairs was nice too. Your rolling recovery was great, and the smooth pose worked well.

tldr; the beginning of the replay was meh, but halfway through it looked really good. It's nice to see you doing parkour

Here's the mod for everybody else.
Attached Files
mat_mirrors_edge1_v3.tbm (18.7 KB, 23 views)
Co-leader of Nitro | Replays