so what can i do with it?

can i make it so that all people entering a fspeced, and all of a certain clan are oped? to make it like a "clan recruit" setting.
- its been a while
Originally Posted by ravenger View Post
Cool bot blam; will try and toy with this myself despite not knowing any sort of code

I did that and wrote my own kick script/a few other things. Lua is VERY easy to pick up.
is it possible to autokick anybody not from your own clan without typing your whole clan roster in? i think some people whould like that.... and should this be in requested scripts?
- its been a while
It is possible, but then anyone who puts on your tag could get in
Update coming soon:

Just need to tweak some things, decide which scripts to include then I'll upload :3
So, what will this update do exactly?
"Sex is like a velociraptor: Despite your movie-fueled lifelong neurotic obsession, it is unlikely to be found in your house." ~XKCD
Version 0.3

Uses Scintilla syntax highlighting, and has a few new classes:
  • lua class
    • Allows lua script to be interpreted from within the bot.
    • Built in classes
      • this
        • Refers to the lua interpreter that is running the script, so you can use all of your custom functions in it and do stuff like print() and md5()
    • example:
    Lua = lua()
    Lua:DoString("a = \"moo\"")
  • socket class
Oh and there's a new bot included with the following features:
  • Blacklist
  • Swearword mute.
    • Fully customisable.
    • 60 second mute.
  • Oplist
    • People in the oplist should type "!op" to get @
    • "!addop" - Adds someone to the operator list.
    • "!addban" - Adds someone to the ban list.
    • "!oplist" - Makes the bot say all of the people on the oplist.
    • Won't be muted by the bot for swearing.
  • Better GUI
    • Kick from it.
    • Say stuff from it.
Last edited by Blam; Mar 28, 2009 at 11:21 AM.
What does a LUA interpreter do exactly?
Other than that, this is practically what I already have.
"Sex is like a velociraptor: Despite your movie-fueled lifelong neurotic obsession, it is unlikely to be found in your house." ~XKCD
Originally Posted by Fezch View Post
What does a LUA interpreter do exactly?
Other than that, this is practically what I already have.

interprets lua :3
aka you can go
LuaInterpreter = lua()
LuaInterpreter:DoString("a = 1; function A() a = a + 1 end; A()")
Pretty pointless but still. The main things in this update are the "this" thing, the syntax highlighting and the socket class (which is very useful)