Flee to madagascar, seriously if miroorganisms cant get there
(logic based on the "pandemic" flash games)
Then in theory neither can zombies?

And ofc repopulating the world would be a priority once i reached madagascar =D
Aperture Science Employee #92
Something I didn't think to factor in to my survival plan is; can zombies swim? If not then surely you could just chill out in a boat in a lake or pond or something until they croak from a lack of brain snacking.

There are too many contradictions when it comes to zombie theories, take for example "Night Of The Living Dead" where the zombies are all weak and fumbly , and can survive during the day, other movies tell us they are nocturnal and run like mother-fuckers.

The sad truth is that we are probably zombies already, we just don't know it...
insert sig there
Gater Up Chuck Norris, Bruce Lee, Muhammid Ali, Mike Tyson, and Some Hot Chicks (baby Chickens, their cool ) and we would kick some zombie ass
I WIN!!!
Originally Posted by SilentKilla View Post
Gater Up Chuck Norris, Bruce Lee, Muhammid Ali, Mike Tyson, and Some Hot Chicks (baby Chickens, their cool ) and we would kick some zombie ass

i'd say that you have to keep this realistic <.<

to start off: go to a mall with mirror shops, food stores and DIY shops.
the plan goes as follows:

1) we cover the outer walls with mirrors.
2) instead of guns, use lights instead to eradicate the plague with UV rays.
3) don't go outside and don't die -___-

due to global warming, and increased amounts of sunlight, humans have an advantage.

PS: gorman, this idea is of the movie I am legend, and you came up with it by means of the swine flu isn't it?
you shouldn't have read that
Okay this will be a loong article ;)

Gorman be sure to check this shit out.

So, since the Zombies only can attack at night, i would drive to all the people that could help me, and i know that they are alive (relatives and stuff) then get to the biggest mall around, thats in (Lets call it xyztown). It has over 200 shops, and 3 big supermarkets, a own park garage, and all around it streets. I would build up Light Bulbs, the biggest that are there around the town, since it is such a huge mall, i will expect atleast 10 survivors. Lets say 4 Women, 5 Men and 1 Teenager in my age (14-16). I would say them to check out the city with Trucks for survivors and tell them to hijack every fast car, and as much busses as they can get in 12 Hours (Its summer so there are 12 Hours from Light to Night). I would try to get these UV Light Bulbs (As in 30 Days of night) And place them at all Entraces, behind the doors, of course i would barricade them. Since Zombies dont like Those UV-Lights, they go somewhere else, even when they run as fast as possible, they wont get to doors, because they would die/melt before. I would paint on the roof a big "Survivors Inside HELP" with Orange/Red/Green/blue color, so everyone that is flying over it should see and read it. I would get to the 2 gun stores in the town, and hijack seriously everything. From Pistols, to knifes, to Rifles. Everything that kills goes into the bag. I would build up "Sniper Positions" on the roof, with some pillows and tents, so we sleep on the roof, when it rains, we get into the mall, in a safe room. I would install many "Tracking sensors" (The things that beep when something moves through them, or switch on light, just that we use UV-Light so the creeps die). Of course i would also make some Radio Broadcast (Propably just go to the Broadcast center and make a tape that repeats itself so the zombies dont destroy it, they are too dumb for it, they just hear it, but dont understand) I may also make some tv broadcasts, when i have the ability to do that. Then i would always be in as much huge irc. channels as possible, and stick around on every bigger site to stay in contact with survivors and exchange tactics.

Then i would try to make tours each day, and search for supplies and stuff. For lets say 20 People (Relatives + Survivors) we would have enough for atleast 5 months (the mall is seriously huge), we wont spent everything instantly, we would keep as much as possible and only drink eat what is needed. When someone gets infected, we would kill him/her , so we dont let him/her even the chance to kill us, but i wouldnt make it fast when it are relatives. I would let them survive more than 30 hours, just to be sure ive cleared everything with them.

If i could, i would somehow get a helicopter and fly around (of course with some pilot faeg, i cant fly helicopters). To be sure to pick up as much people as possible. Then i would try to stay alive as soon as possible, when i hear that somebody went into the building and killed the others,and i am the only survivor, i would commit suicide, because i dont want to get a brainless zombie.

When zombies cannot Swim, i would get to some island. Maybe Corsica. or Antarctica (prolly corsica). and do the same thing as above.

Last edited by Nobuddie; May 3, 2009 at 07:50 AM.
Hm i dunno, seems like a massive mall would leave too many possibilities for the zombies to infiltrate, windows, supply doors, aircon ducts, underground entereances.

Especially if its massive it will be hard to patrol and rig.

Originally Posted by nogginbash View Post
you came up with it by means of the swine flu isn't it?

When I see you, my heart goes DOKI⑨DOKI
Fish: "Gorman has been chosen for admin. After a lengthy discussion we've all decided that Gorman is the best choice for the next admin."
Originally Posted by Nobuddie View Post
Okay this will be a loong article ;)

Gorman be sure to check this shit out.

So, since the Zombies only can attack at night, i would drive to all the people that could help me, and i know that they are alive (relatives and stuff) then get to the biggest mall around, thats in (Lets call it xyztown). It has over 200 shops, and 3 big supermarkets, a own park garage, and all around it streets. I would build up Light Bulbs, the biggest that are there around the town, since it is such a huge mall, i will expect atleast 10 survivors. Lets say 4 Women, 5 Men and 1 Teenager in my age (14-16). I would say them to check out the city with Trucks for survivors and tell them to hijack every fast car, and as much busses as they can get in 12 Hours (Its summer so there are 12 Hours from Light to Night). I would try to get these UV Light Bulbs (As in 30 Days of night) And place them at all Entraces, behind the doors, of course i would barricade them. Since Zombies dont like Those UV-Lights, they go somewhere else, even when they run as fast as possible, they wont get to doors, because they would die/melt before. I would paint on the roof a big "Survivors Inside HELP" with Orange/Red/Green/blue color, so everyone that is flying over it should see and read it. I would get to the 2 gun stores in the town, and hijack seriously everything. From Pistols, to knifes, to Rifles. Everything that kills goes into the bag. I would build up "Sniper Positions" on the roof, with some pillows and tents, so we sleep on the roof, when it rains, we get into the mall, in a safe room. I would install many "Tracking sensors" (The things that beep when something moves through them, or switch on light, just that we use UV-Light so the creeps die). Of course i would also make some Radio Broadcast (Propably just go to the Broadcast center and make a tape that repeats itself so the zombies dont destroy it, they are too dumb for it, they just hear it, but dont understand) I may also make some tv broadcasts, when i have the ability to do that. Then i would always be in as much huge irc. channels as possible, and stick around on every bigger site to stay in contact with survivors and exchange tactics.

Then i would try to make tours each day, and search for supplies and stuff. For lets say 20 People (Relatives + Survivors) we would have enough for atleast 5 months (the mall is seriously huge), we wont spent everything instantly, we would keep as much as possible and only drink eat what is needed. When someone gets infected, we would kill him/her , so we dont let him/her even the chance to kill us, but i wouldnt make it fast when it are relatives. I would let them survive more than 30 hours, just to be sure ive cleared everything with them.

If i could, i would somehow get a helicopter and fly around (of course with some pilot faeg, i cant fly helicopters). To be sure to pick up as much people as possible. Then i would try to stay alive as soon as possible, when i hear that somebody went into the building and killed the others,and i am the only survivor, i would commit suicide, because i dont want to get a brainless zombie.

When zombies cannot Swim, i would get to some island. Maybe Corsica. or Antarctica (prolly corsica). and do the same thing as above.


this remembers me a bit of Dead rising... exept the fact that the zombieas are inside only and youre one of the last survivors inside...
I´m a German Member of (ORMO) and GMF
man...these are not zombies...these are kinda vampires that want ur flesh instead of ur blood...

>>>fear UV light? WTF! (zombies dont fear the day...vampires do)

>>>move at 40Km/h? WTF[2]! (zombies are still human bodyes...humans "maximum of the maximum" speed is around 45Km/h!...fastes velocist ever was 12 m/s...with means 43~ Km/h...and it simply cant be sustained for more than 10 seconds, even in zombies that dont fell pain or tired...couse its a matter of the acids the muscles generate during intense activity...the acids are neutralized by the blood's stamina...a velocist has its stamina lvls on the maximum supported by human body...and so...zombies cant go far from velocists in terms of maximum speed...even so...most the zombies are normal people bodyes...with means: weak, maybe fat and surely not much active and so, not much stamina production in the body...)

>>>retaining inteligence? WTF[3]! (zombies are stupid...everyone knows it...they always been like this and will always be...the closest of human inteligence they can get is on later-infection-period where they only start to learn how open doors without having to destroy the doors and how to use "little tools", like axes...much far from using a gun or start talking to eachother)

>>>a week at cold, 12h at tropical...ok...u dont really have much time-sense huh? WTF[4]!!! ( human bodyes stay at almost the same temperature all around the world...turning into zombie after infection takes the same averange time all over the globe...that one was stupid)
Last edited by AltairBR; May 4, 2009 at 01:28 AM.
Why does everyone like the idea of the mall? It seems like a bad place to hide, for one they're usually near/in the center of the cities so once you get there you're just gonna get hit by a wall of however many people were in the place when plague hit, seeing as malls are pretty large I'd put money on 600+ easily, even for a small one. Even in the day time the zombies would just hide in a dark corner of the place, malls don't usually have very good natural lighting, and seeing as these zombies have the intelligence of humans they'd just cut the power. Also say you do manage to find a mall that isn't already occupied by some zombies, chances are it already belongs to someone else and it's pretty unlikely that they're gonna just let you share all their food and supplies because you aren't a zombie yet. Say you find a completely vacant mall anyway, there is no way you're going to be able to rig up the whole place within 12 hours even if you got there right on the butt crack of dawn, with 20 people. There just wouldn't be enough gear either, you can go get supplies from hardware stores and department stores and stuff sure but that takes time and man power. Really you would be better off rounding up all the stuff you can get and just barricading yourself in one tiny corner of the place with as good of view points as you can get.

Epic survival plan in progress, will return with updates.