"I have beaten lots of good players" - SO?
Black Belt for 5-6 months shows inactivity.
Nevertheless, ill test you if i see you. In wushu.
Real Life Name and Age: alex 14
Belt (you MUST be at least black): im a green belt i think but i got a black belt acc im selling it
How long have you been playing? (multiplayer): 4 months
Where would you like to be tested? (mode NOT mod): judo aikido wushu
Do you have AIM/MSN? If so, PM (Samule/Suede/Dalir): nope
Any last words? (anything you'd like to say goes here): i realy like you guys
real name is Jake and i am 14 years old
Belt: 2nd dan black belt
How long have you been playing?:6 month
Where would you like to be tested? aikido

and srry i dont have an aim or yahoo account
Originally Posted by ItsnhubaaX View Post
Name: ItsnhubaaX
Age: 14
Belt: Black
How long have you been playing? 5-6 month
Where would you like to be tested? Jousting, Wushu
Any last words: My last clan was ttf and I have beaten lots of good players

dude...jousting is near useless as a "skill"
Black between 5-6 months is average...

I was around black 3-5 months but who cares :O

I've been black for about....... a year now.

( because I'm inactive for a reason )
I have a friend who is looking to join us, but for some reason couldnt post in the forum...idk
Anyway, hes quite skilled, very active, and a good buddy.
2nd dan.
well that doesn't matter if he can't post o.o
his account is probably parent-approved.
<PlayerID666> samule is the coolest guy around