Originally Posted by BA11EY07 View Post
Hey guys just wondering if anyone could make me a drum kit mod?

Originally Posted by MrPoptart View Post
The drums would have to be square, since there're no flat cylinders.

Originally Posted by gamerbad View Post
Make it even more awesome and make some LUA drum Sticks that play a prerecorded sound when they touch a certain place(the drums) with different sounds for each drum and customized drum stick colors

there i just gave you the best idea ever, now make it happen

Originally Posted by MrPoptart View Post
I don't script, so I'm not even sure how possible that is, but I am sure how awesome it would be.

Originally Posted by gamerbad View Post
Blam your skills are needed

Is this possible?
Last edited by MrPoptart; Apr 12, 2010 at 04:29 AM.
If there was a way to load and play sounds in lua then it would be. I don't think I've seen one capable of playing sounds.
You could probably hack something together where you hit Uke with objects when you have drum collisions to get the game to play sounds.
Radioactive torso's description should be, "You have cancer like wow."
Originally Posted by Dafe View Post
You could probably hack something together where you hit Uke with objects when you have drum collisions to get the game to play sounds.

should include a way to play sounds by object collision in future updates eh?
Helge Sverre - System Developer
I would think it would work kinda like, "put sounds and script into lua folder, and have the script play a sound if object a touches object b". If you can't do it yet then yeah it should totally be in an update.
[REQ] Random mod picker script
So as my computer sucks and I always play with friends, I can't pretty much see the menu on Toribash, it's just a big white square (I'm talking about main menu and mod menu) I would like to request a script that allows me to pick a random mod from the huge list with just pressing a key or clicking a button, I would seriously be really thankful if someone makes this.

Thank you,
Last edited by Alan; Apr 15, 2010 at 08:32 AM.
I don't know if this is possible to achieve with .lua nor do I know if it already exists, but as everyone knows the joints change their color as they get hit, and as they get closer to the breaking point they turn red. Is there a way to know exactly how far they are from the breaking point?
If this doesn't exist it's my suggestion, a script that show exactly how far a joint is from the breaking point.
E.g. - A scale from 0 to 50, with 0 being a totally unharmed joint and 50 being a joint as red as it can possibly be.

This idea might need some tweaking but I would be thankful if someone created a system based on this concept.
We're still kids in buses longing to be free.
I don't think you can. I just had a look for a function that would get how injured a joint is, get_joint_info doesn't and none others look like they should. Sorry