Originally Posted by Cinamintz View Post
Sounds good

Though I personaly would appreciate you being a bit more active.

We ARE infact trying to more active members.

Between school, karate, and my tf2 league team(plus my addiction of said game) there's not too much toribash time.

There'll be a letup in school projects starting next week, so I'll be on more starting pretty soon.

And there is always time on summer too ;P

But I'm sure you don't want to wait that long. I have great plans for summer :P

No need to say "Just coming back" You are always welcome to post in our forums. Your awesome fury :O

Well, at least the entry forum.
I'm going to cancel my application, Sorry, but ive been waiting for quite some time now, and have only taken one test, ohwell, i prob would have failed the others, and ive been getting quite a few invitations to other clans (had to decline em all)

P.S I Also heard you guys were dieng. A suggestion from me would be to make the Tests Shorter and require one Support only, From a specific member (Like make a Recruiter list)
"My motivation is Failure" Call me Person.
{DarDarDarDar Dakneshh.}
Hi im kingpin
Fave mode: Instagib feet and Kickbox (im also good with weapon mods)
Belt: Black
Experience: Two years on and off but have been playing everyday since last month. I'm pretty talented.
Favourite breakfast: Coco pops(hey who doesn't)
Reason for joining: I like your clan name because its catchy and i also want to join so i can take revenge on the DAV.
Where i live: Australia GMT+10
Last edited by kingpin; Apr 9, 2009 at 09:50 AM.
Umm first off.

Wepon Mods, and Instagib Feet aren't modes. Those are MODS

And I don't like Cocoa Pops. I like Cocoa PUFFS!

LOL Just pulling your leg man. I guess I'll test you, come to Blackbelt Wushy when you can :O
Perfect timezone, What times are you usually on?
You play in Blackbelt::Kickbox?
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