[22:33:56] <@pusga> holy shit
[22:33:57] <@pusga> that opener is fun
[22:34:26] <@pusga> that transition to the pose is wonky as hell
[22:34:28] <@pusga> in the good sense

very fun movement you have in the whole replay, so good to watch
oh yeah
Your position around 812 was very, very strange XD. I wasn't a fan of the first spin, but the second is great. I like the way you initiated the manipulation. You changed the flow but it really didn't matter much. The manipulation was good, but you stayed on your knees a lot. Try not to hit your head, not only does the bruise look bad, but if you can make a manip with some great head dodges, it will make your replay look that much cooler. Cool core punch. This replay doesn't have much as far as hits are concerned, but it's still a very fine replay. Pose wasn't bad, but the contracted pecs look odd. I love -30 manips. Great job.
Co-leader of Nitro | Replays
What pusga said.
Wonky and whatever but looks pleasing.
I personaly love the shit out of it like always, Gret work mang c:
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
Movement is spoton gorgeous to me with a few flaws here and there. opener was kinda odd but looked great going to the manip, Boom was pretty great.

Gg wonk
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
hmmm. well at the start it was kinda weird because there was some random kicks after that there was a bit of a twitchy joint and on another part you went on your hand which i don't like. I like the largekillla manips more personally but hey you cant please everyone but hey good replay it was pretty nice too not going to say anymore because now its really long
Originally Posted by Terada View Post
hmmm. well at the start it was kinda weird because there was some random kicks after that there was a bit of a twitchy joint and on another part you went on your hand which i don't like. I like the largekillla manips more personally but hey you cant please everyone but hey good replay it was pretty nice too not going to say anymore because now its really long

Jisse, teach me how to replay, u nub.
And hi.
Loving those replays from you.
"Philosophy of mankind are pink dreams of a blue planet" ~Lexx
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