Hello guys. I'm Morals, aka, pwnsors102 a few of you know me. I am here today to apply for nitro.
Although nitro is a hard clan to get accepted into, here are a few things about my self; first off my name is Anthony I'm from the United States my gmt is +6 I think, really not sure. I'm 18 I'm from southern us which means yes I do have southern hospitality lol I am very respectful. I tend to get aggravated easily towards complete idiots though.
I'm a custom belt, I have had two alts. Pwnsors101 and pwnsors102 one master belt and one 9th Dan. I am very skilled ingame although ever since I've played tori ash I've only trained in aikidobd so if you play me in any other mod I'll probably be shit js lol. I'm very good at warring but you guys would have to be the judge of that not myself.
I'm active but have been inactive the past few weeks due to a real life crisis but I am back now.
Anyways I don't have much time to be typing all day so I'll leave it at this. I hope you guys consider me to become a part of nitro :3
Oooo that was tempting but by the looks of it, you didn't read the first page :o

I'mma go with neutral because I remember you being really good at the game, but Day'll probably shut you down for not including some stuff.
Co-leader of Nitro | Replays
hello nitro my name is TheEpicBot in real life and in toribash but you can justcall me toch. i am 11 turning 12 this saterday!!!! i have just moved so im getting used to my internet but toribash and the foroms still work well . i was born in africa in nigeria tho i can stilll speack english very well. i moved to america when i was 3. and can speck igbo and english and i am studing spanish.

i am a blue belt i mostly play in private servers, unless there is a public server that isnt cworded with like a million poeple XD. my favortie mods include abd aikido mushu pretty much any mod that isnt erth tk or wushu. i am pretty good at spar fight etc in my opinon but when it comes to pourker, i suck.
so right now im practicing so i cant make reaplys in parkour i can make reaplys in anything else spar or just reaply wise. so everything is going good .

so now ill move one to what i can get for you.
i can get you pretty much anything even if you need a dog ill get you one. if you need tc in the bank or if you need help on some technical stuff im there. also i can inform you on anything happening in the comunity

so for how active i am im on foroms all day everyday and i check my foroms belive it or not when im online im constently on furoms and refreshing my page for private messages. so pls whatever you do dont judge me on my post count pls i beg its not true im very active i just dont post unless neccesary. i keep getting my applications jugded on post count when it isnt true!!

so the clans i have been in are akatsuki prodigy drunk witch has now died ;-;

so those are the clans ive been in i havnt been in much cuase ive stayed with these clans for a long time. ive stayed with drunk till death and the other clans i have become an ally of (besides prodigy). so if i join you can trust i will be loyal.

i want to oin nitro beacues they seem so nice skilled and overall a nice clan with good people i so thats why i want to join and i hope i can.

also just to add i do have skype my skype name is Theepicbot if you ever need to add me and that is my app i hope you enjoy it and that i get in thank you and have a nice day
Originally Posted by Morals View Post
Hello guys. I'm Morals, aka, pwnsors102 a few of you know me. I am here today to apply for nitro.
Although nitro is a hard clan to get accepted into, here are a few things about my self; first off my name is Anthony I'm from the United States my gmt is +6 I think, really not sure. I'm 18 I'm from southern us which means yes I do have southern hospitality lol I am very respectful. I tend to get aggravated easily towards complete idiots though.
I'm a custom belt, I have had two alts. Pwnsors101 and pwnsors102 one master belt and one 9th Dan. I am very skilled ingame although ever since I've played tori ash I've only trained in aikidobd so if you play me in any other mod I'll probably be shit js lol. I'm very good at warring but you guys would have to be the judge of that not myself.
I'm active but have been inactive the past few weeks due to a real life crisis but I am back now.
Anyways I don't have much time to be typing all day so I'll leave it at this. I hope you guys consider me to become a part of nitro :3

silly morals thought his name would get him into nitro... that only works around zack
Originally Posted by TheEpicBot View Post
hello nitro my name is TheEpicBot in real life and in toribash but you can justcall me toch. i am 11 turning 12 this saterday!!!! i have just moved so im getting used to my internet but toribash and the foroms still work well . i was born in africa in nigeria tho i can stilll speack english very well. i moved to america when i was 3. and can speck igbo and english and i am studing spanish.

i am a blue belt i mostly play in private servers, unless there is a public server that isnt cworded with like a million poeple XD. my favortie mods include abd aikido mushu pretty much any mod that isnt erth tk or wushu. i am pretty good at spar fight etc in my opinon but when it comes to pourker, i suck.
so right now im practicing so i cant make reaplys in parkour i can make reaplys in anything else spar or just reaply wise. so everything is going good .

so now ill move one to what i can get for you.
i can get you pretty much anything even if you need a dog ill get you one. if you need tc in the bank or if you need help on some technical stuff im there. also i can inform you on anything happening in the comunity

so for how active i am im on foroms all day everyday and i check my foroms belive it or not when im online im constently on furoms and refreshing my page for private messages. so pls whatever you do dont judge me on my post count pls i beg its not true im very active i just dont post unless neccesary. i keep getting my applications jugded on post count when it isnt true!!

so the clans i have been in are akatsuki prodigy drunk witch has now died ;-;

so those are the clans ive been in i havnt been in much cuase ive stayed with these clans for a long time. ive stayed with drunk till death and the other clans i have become an ally of (besides prodigy). so if i join you can trust i will be loyal.

i want to oin nitro beacues they seem so nice skilled and overall a nice clan with good people i so thats why i want to join and i hope i can.

also just to add i do have skype my skype name is Theepicbot if you ever need to add me and that is my app i hope you enjoy it and that i get in thank you and have a nice day

fiiirrst poosst plz
"I don't need a safety word because my mother didn't raise no quitter." ~BaraYaoi - BDSM Expert
Originally Posted by Zack View Post
But day I like morals

me and zack are best of fwiends day. ;-;
Last edited by Morals; Dec 11, 2015 at 10:20 AM.