im back :3 weve got a free weekend because of really nice behaving :P
im so glad, thought ill die
> standing up half past 5
> going to bed 11:00 pm

standing the half of the time, doin what the oberstfeldwebel tells us and .. you know :3
Uhuhuh, for my brother and dad, going to sleep at 0:00 and standing up at ~4:30 is a standard.

Well, good luck there, you should survive, and after that you'll have really cool stories to tell us :D (I love to listen stories of my dad from times he was in the army, he tells them from time to time).

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Originally Posted by JtanK View Post
I love to listen stories of my dad from times he was in the army, he tells them from time to time).

In general I love to listen to stories my parents tell me from russia.
It's nice to know how life has been and what they have been through.

We mostly do that, while we're sitting in front of fireplace and eat those "Sunflower thingies". You know, those which you have to crack with your teeth to eat the "cores".

They taste so nice when they are warm.

EDIT: I thought this is hall of flame.
Continue this discussion there please.
gonna be inactive for two weeks from today
at the next weekend i celebrate birthday of my cousin in berlin :P
im back from military :3
didnt came home last weekend, sorry

gonna upload a picture of me