Originally Posted by DropKick View Post
^^ Timmy, I heard your hammer was actually quite... small. Microhammer of sorts

Dang Drop, I didn't expect you'd be hanging with "that" sort of (gossip) crowd.
wishful eyes deceive me
Originally Posted by DropKick View Post
^^ Timmy, I heard your hammer was actually quite... small. Microhammer of sorts

They wont give me a bigger hammer until I ban 10 people. #prayfortimmy

i am a bird now - Lil B

Well that seems like a fair deal to me.
Best get to banning people then :3
| Jolly Roger | Aeon | fl0w | Liquor |
| Team NZ & AUS |

| DarkDranz | Kaito | Kratos | Brucia | Chirs | Trice | Tempest | Vitta | Pranit | TheAnimal | Sparky |
| TripStone |
no way that is him
A dueler is only a good as his finest lift.

I love many people on this forum such as ...
I respect...
Yeah that is indeed him.
Shave the beard and hair and he would look just like he did back then xD
| Jolly Roger | Aeon | fl0w | Liquor |
| Team NZ & AUS |

| DarkDranz | Kaito | Kratos | Brucia | Chirs | Trice | Tempest | Vitta | Pranit | TheAnimal | Sparky |
| TripStone |
Originally Posted by TimmyboyG View Post
They wont give me a bigger hammer until I ban 10 people. #prayfortimmy

Just ban random people. That'd fly right?
Sparky is a 317 pound Hump-Back Whale