I don't really get what's going on in this organization. Weren't we assigned partners to learn and create cooperative work with? How is this now different from GATA for example?
[Ele] Leader | [Bleu] Supervisor | Artists' Co-op
We are a bit inactive at the moment.
I will talk with usimm about that, to make the partnes.
Yeah, i've been away for a few days, my router was borked. Anyway;

Originally Posted by OfUnknown View Post
I don't really get what's going on in this organization. Weren't we assigned partners to learn and create cooperative work with? How is this now different from GATA for example?

In a way, they are alike. But, GATA is more of an "ELITIST" kind of organization, they don't let anyone in unless they are pretty skilled, but in this organization I plan on making people who are mere beginners into those pretty skilled artists by sharing techniques and giving much more advanced comments and critiques. As soon as we have an official board, I will be setting up tutorials based on every technique that I can possibly do in shading, sketching and other sorts. And i'm also hoping that all of the other members could invest in doing this as well so that we can become better artists. And the partners will all be arranged and stuff when I have enough time to keep it all in check, i'm just pretty busy irl at the moment.

Originally Posted by pal View Post
I was wondering if anyone thought on officializing this org...

Might apply soon, but just now we don't really need it anyway.
Back for good.
Sounds good usimm, also do you think you have an idea of when we start the collaborative?
Eh, i'm not really sure. If anyone would like to help me sort it out through PMs we could probably get it set-up within one/two days. I just don't really have the free time to do it all by myself.
Back for good.
I'm trying GFX:
[No-Mercy ~Co-Lider] [BTO ~Member] [T3AL ~Member] [JUJU ~ é treta]
~Member] [Join on my ~FanClub][Juju Salimeni ~Lover] [Point Blank ~Player]
Need one set? Head? Art? PM-me.

Background is really, really too blurry, and the way you've tried to make the depth by airbrushing black and white just doesn't cut it. Render/image doesn't fit in with the background.
Back for good.

do you like it? i made that photo at venice's carnival...
|[Essence]|GATA|Artist Co-Op|Italians Do It Better|TA|
What kind of art do you favour?(GFX, textures, etc): Textureing (sets) Avatar making
How long have you been interested/creating art?: since 2009
What do you hope to gain by joining us?: Improving myself
A few examples of your work:

Sorry I have alot of avatars and Other sets on my PC which is currently crasherd.. sorry..
Would you class yourself as a more experienced artists?: Alot yeah