Hi i my name is Hayden i am nice and i don't like being mean its not nice.I love all players because they all have something special about their moves and their technique.Toribash is one of the greatest games ever you can make friends and levels and other stuff like that and mods.Everyone who applies for a clan should get in the clan because everyone who applies is determined to get in the clan.Apex would be a great clan to get into because you can use your grammar.Thank you for reading my application. ;)
Originally Posted by Universe2 View Post
Hi i my name is Hayden i am nice and i don't like being mean its not nice.I love all players because they all have something special about their moves and their technique.Toribash is one of the greatest games ever you can make friends and levels and other stuff like that and mods.Everyone who applies for a clan should get in the clan because everyone who applies is determined to get in the clan.Apex would be a great clan to get into because you can use your grammar.Thank you for reading my application. ;)

Yep, pretty safe to say this is an auto-rejection. I am struggling to understand why people don't read and just don't even try anymore.
Hello there. My name is David (Known In-Game as OneGlovedM), and I would like to try to get in this clan. My hobbies include playing PC games (obviously) and soccer. I currently live in Arizona, so I would be on and off at different times, depending on where you live. I try to play Toribash almost everyday, but I am not too active on the forums. I also play Magic The Gathering often, so I might be busy with something else if not online.
I use Steam on my laptop, because I find it easier to contact friends using the messages. I am currently Black Belt. The mods I am fond of are xspar, judo and akido. I am not in any other clans, and have not been accepted into any others, for I have not tried to get in any others. I would not say I stand out, but I guess I am an average player. Apex stands out to me because mainly the name (It is more casual than others) and I usually see it whenever I play. I am curious about how clans work, and what happens when you are in, which is why I want to join. This about sums up my application, and as always, thank you for reading my application. (Please note, I will not be upset about your opinion, so say whatever you would like about me or my application.)
Sorry but the app was ok .. Try to learn more before you apply and clearly you failed on adding info that is mentioned on the OP do my vote is a NO
Originally Posted by OneGlovedM View Post
Hello there. My name is David (Known In-Game as OneGlovedM), and I would like to try to get in this clan. My hobbies include playing PC games (obviously) and soccer. I currently live in Arizona, so I would be on and off at different times, depending on where you live. I try to play Toribash almost everyday, but I am not too active on the forums. I also play Magic The Gathering often, so I might be busy with something else if not online.
I use Steam on my laptop, because I find it easier to contact friends using the messages. I am currently Black Belt. The mods I am fond of are xspar, judo and akido. I am not in any other clans, and have not been accepted into any others, for I have not tried to get in any others. I would not say I stand out, but I guess I am an average player. Apex stands out to me because mainly the name (It is more casual than others) and I usually see it whenever I play. I am curious about how clans work, and what happens when you are in, which is why I want to join. This about sums up my application, and as always, thank you for reading my application. (Please note, I will not be upset about your opinion, so say whatever you would like about me or my application.)

One of the better apps I've seen compared to other ones but still not the greatest for some information was missing, so I'm gonna stay neutral for now, talk to us on IRC or ingame and I may change my vote accordingly to your behavior.
Frogs never die.
No more people in my sig.
My biggest apologies, but the "Spoiler" idea confuses me.
Now, onward to my application.

I am a 2nd Dan Black Belt
My real name is David, but Davey Ze Jones, Cpt. Croissant, and Doc Draco and many different aliases.
My GMT zone is -5.
I am currently 26 years old.
If I am not on the mods below, I am most likely playing with friends, or sparring.
I have no designated reason to join this clan, other than sheer boredom, and having time on my hands. I, personally, think I would make a decent addition to this clan, because of my talents in Aikido, Lenshu, and Ninjutsu.
Thank you for reading my application.
Last edited by docdraco2; Nov 10, 2017 at 03:15 AM.
~~Avatar by Israphel30~~
Originally Posted by docdraco2 View Post
My biggest apologies, but the "Spoiler" idea confuses me.
Now, onward to my application.

I am a 2nd Dan Black Belt
My real name is David, but Davey Ze Jones, Cpt. Croissant, and Doc Draco and many different aliases.
My GMT zone is -5.
I am currently 26 years old.
If I am not on the mods below, I am most likely playing with friends, or sparring.
I have no designated reason to join this clan, other than sheer boredom, and having time on my hands. I, personally, think I would make a decent addition to this clan, because of my talents in Aikido, Lenshu, and Ninjutsu.
Thank you for reading my application.

Insta-denied for not following instructions
My Application
IRL Name: Josh
Name: dashie116
Timezone: EST
Belt: Brown
Past Clans: Roman and Pix
Skill(Opinion): I wouldn't call myself a pro. I can't do parkour, but i can spar a little bit. My main mod is xspar for sparring and greykido.
About myself: I'm a nice guy who can try to teach people to learn how to get better at winning aikido and greykido. I can get quite cocky and depressed. I like to spar with people and I always want to learn from others to get better. I hope i can learn from this clan.

Thanks for reading my application. I hope you can accept my application.
Originally Posted by Dashie116 View Post
IRL Name: Josh
Name: dashie116
Timezone: EST
Belt: Brown
Past Clans: Roman and Pix
Skill(Opinion): I wouldn't call myself a pro. I can't do parkour, but i can spar a little bit. My main mod is xspar for sparring and greykido.
About myself: I'm a nice guy who can try to teach people to learn how to get better at winning aikido and greykido. I can get quite cocky and depressed. I like to spar with people and I always want to learn from others to get better. I hope i can learn from this clan.

Thanks for reading my application. I hope you can accept my application.

Denied. Read. The. Rules. Please.