how do turtles run? do they run? wtf is life? is life? see

answers we will never know..
Idk where my bossboy020 account is bru
Biggydex: hang in there buddy, one day we will have enough money to hire a psychiatrist, there's still hope.
just so you guys know, dex was maybe possibly dropped by me 4 times while playing aikido. Im sorry.
um excuse me
i had the worst lag of my entire life today go feck u self in the butt
Idk where my bossboy020 account is bru
he said "how do turtles run? do they run? wtf is life? is life? see answers we will never know.." so i said that i dropped him instead of saying his parents dropped him?
mk u hev die on u ands ima go commit die and leave a death note to my family its gonna say reality on tb is a bully and they will track u down then u gon commit die cuz u gon be scared before they get u then my family gon have die on them hands : )
Idk where my bossboy020 account is bru