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[GM]ToriSanta 2015
Name sending starts now ~ Solax

Deck the Torihalls with boughs of Toriholly, Fa la la la la la la la!
Tis the season to be Jolly, Fa la la la la la la la la!

Good morrow children, your favorite festive event is back once more! Are you ready? - I certainly am, the merry tension could be cut with a turkey knife!

ToriSanta is back ready to send out ToriPresents straight to your ToriDoorsteps!

In this event, as usual, every jolly little munch-kin participating will be given the name of another. The person who's name you receive is the person who you will act as Santa for.

In order to join in with the Christmas fun all you need to do is post in this thread before Christmas eve eve (23rd December). You will be put on the nice list and then a little later you shall be given a name, exciting!

Once you are given the name of the person you will be sending lavish gifts to, it is important not to tell them or anyone else that you are their Santa, as that would ruin the Christmas surprise and land you a spot on the naughty list! Now all you have to do is plan what you will give them and wait until Christmas Day (25/12). From then you have 3 days to send your presents to each other. Do not fret little ones, someone got a Christmas PM with your name on it too! Remember to give generously in the name of Christmas and hope your Santa gives just as generously.


Now that that is sorted, here come some other mini creative events for you to feast your little eyes upon.

Christmas Card Event

Christmas Poem Event

One account per person.
Entry to this event closes on the 23rd of December.
Names will be sent between the 23rd and the 25th.
Gift sending starts:
In order of preference:
1. Send on Christmas day (bonus points for figuring out their GMT and making sure it's Christmas day wherever they are)
2. Send ASAP before Christmas day if needed so they have it for Christmas day. (Good option if you know you'll be too busy on Christmas)
3. Send anytime after Christmas up until the 29th of December which is the deadline of the event. Failing to send once this date is reached will be bad.

Failure to send the presents by the 29th of December will result in being in the naughty list for a week.
There is no minimum sending value but you must send something. Also be generous with the spirit of the season.
Any whining that is caused by this event will be ignored.

nice list

So that's it. Have fun and remember to thank your Santa afterwards.

The background for the banners is credited to here.

Used with the license: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

Last edited by SmallBowl; Dec 24, 2015 at 06:17 PM. Reason: Nice People :)))
Don't dm me pictures of bowls that you find attractive.
Originally Posted by Mack View Post
I recieved 2k tc and an aqua force... I'll just leave it at that.

I got full Orc. Rekt.

Parkour • Spar • Skating
I got full beginner pack......... fml
I don't know why this is here but look at my threads! (I have a replay thread with no replays)
i got santa hat and bunny ears
Style ~ ToriAgent ~ Notorious

Originally Posted by 00Assassin00 View Post
lol ok, i am talking about how you are looking to get more than you give, but anyways, as u wish, but i just have a question, i sent the gift before, can i send more?

Of course you can!
Originally Posted by iAwesome View Post
any compensations if we receive nothing or nah

Stuff shall be done, do not fret
Last edited by SmallBowl; Dec 27, 2015 at 12:02 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Don't dm me pictures of bowls that you find attractive.
Question, if our Santa doesn't send anything by the 29th, along with whatever happens to them and stuff will we also be able to find out who they are? I'm anxious to find out who my Santa is
<Icky> Butler is the worst es
<Reta> can I fire him yet ?
i got one Chronos Grip..

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