i feel so crappy for what im about to ask for......, theres this amazing texture set for 50k and im broke out of my ass with currently only 13k. You know i wouldent ask for anything unless i was desperate. i will of course pay back the 50k as its easy to get but unfortunately i need it kind of now-ish so i can get the set before anyone else. plz if u can i would much appreciate this from the clan bank, again its up to you buya or kj but i really want this set.
Masterj05h Shop So cheap id have to be stupid to sell it like this... wait a seco-
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OK because we are not makeing as much as we did before... I'm going to start to sell this stuff to you guys for half the price you see. So if there is anything you want then PM me and I'll talk to you about getting it. Yeah I'm cheap but then again you guys still haven't sent me a list of the lowest prices we should sell this stuff.
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Well it seems I know why we have not gained any money as. I forgot to reupload all the items after the forum changed the look. Hehe my bad but I have gone and uploaded them so it's all good.
SFST Sub Leader and now the SFST Shop keeper.
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