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Belt Shown On Tori
So I was thinking, what if whatever belt you were, it showed up on your Tori while fighting, I just thought this would be a cool little visual affect for the game, but if you wee like a 2-10 Dan You would get white tallies on your belt, Anyone else think this would be cool?
Originally Posted by WhyBeAre View Post
One thing to say "This should me for anything higher than a custom belt."

Well, they want this to be a all around non changeable thing.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
I'm thinking they could make it so that there's a texture around your abs and something like the scarf from the daiyamo (dunno how to spell it :/) hat, except skinnier and shorter.
Originally Posted by BigRed3000 View Post
So I was thinking, what if whatever belt you were, it showed up on your Tori while fighting, I just thought this would be a cool little visual affect for the game, but if you wee like a 2-10 Dan You would get white tallies on your belt, Anyone else think this would be cool?

Un-necessary textures, and would work better if it was just a buyable item, not something that shows up on everyone. It'd annoy the hell out of specific people, e.g, ME.
My joints and textures are black with white stripes, so having, say, a green belt on my tori would be fucking annoying.
Silver Elite Master. Fml.
Ele | Morals | JackMorris
Well it wouldn't instantly apply, you could make it a deactivated item, not necessarily buyable
Originally Posted by BigRed3000 View Post
Well it wouldn't instantly apply, you could make it a deactivated item, not necessarily buyable

And for those people who don't entirely understand the forum, but don't want a pesky belt?
Nah, still unsupported.
Silver Elite Master. Fml.
Ele | Morals | JackMorris
Originally Posted by EJXIII View Post
And for those people who don't entirely understand the forum, but don't want a pesky belt?
Nah, still unsupported.

Just make it start off deactivated. And make something like upgrade levels, each time you reach a new belt the item just updates to your current level.

In shotokan karate for example, dans have white stripes near the belts end, 5th dans + can use a coral belt (white/red) which could be applied to master belts.

Custom belts could be able to see a color picker or a dropdown menu on the item, meaning they could chose any color wether it is on the system* or not.

to make it easier since it cant move if it isnt on the head, make it an armband, and as I said, it upgrades depending on your QI amount, and starts deactivated to prevent people from crying about having an item that they do not want.

For the dans, maybe instead of the white stripes (since it can be an armband and stripes would make it look a lot like the coral belt that I have suggested), make it tiny stars, one star for each dan or something like that.

Overall, extremely supported.

*By system I mean the default belt colors. (Yellow, Orange, Green, Blue, Brown, Black)

Edit: Oh sure, and it should be non tradeable.
Last edited by Immotay; May 29, 2015 at 08:49 PM.