Originally Posted by Acavado View Post
Screaming is saying stop even when you can't talk coherently.

Do you mean that she purposefully did something terrible so that she would be able to receive a punishment and therefor have a way to humiliate her parents many years on the internet with a video in order to satisfy an ulterior motive rather than justice/revenge/something? Or that she did something very terrible and tried to cover it up by faking child abuse by waiting with a camera and posting it online out of spite drawn from hurt feelings? Or that she did something terrible and thought she could threaten them with the video somehow?

I'm not sure how the last part is relevant. It's still missing some intermediate step in explanation because I'm not sure what you're referring to. Do you mean her parents couldn't have known she was downloading music from an illegal website because it was her computer and that they didn't have access to it? Or that they gave her the computer and so she would be allowed to do as she pleased with it? Or that if her parents were this controlling, why they allowed her a computer? Or that her father is rational and couldn't have beaten her so severely if she hadn't done something more severe?

I mean that why would her parents give her a computer and allow her to use it? That means she had to do something wrong to make them punish her, because she is allowed to use the computer...

Did that make any sense?
TP|Guardians| Hai. Watz upz.
Just for those who couldn't watch the whole thing she isn't beat the whole 7 minutes, but regardless this is inexcusable, they should be put in jail for child abuse, she needs new parents, etc. Fucking cunts.
Holy macaroni. That was intense, I mean wtf is his problem?! He has a right to discipline but to an extent it's just plain wrong. And for this man to be a part of the law? Thats pathetic.
Show some Love.
imagine what would happen if a judges daughter steals. and the judge finds out.
what will the judge do? will he call no police? no
I'm the judge ! u deserve to be beaten up brutally cux its my judgement
judge: honey grab a stick lets beat this bitch up.
Stereotype of how justice is served in Texas.

But yeah, I think the parents have done this kind of stuff to their daughter earlier before internet stealing stuff , as they seemed so comfortable hitting her.
Originally Posted by SoBscout View Post
I mean that why would her parents give her a computer and allow her to use it? That means she had to do something wrong to make them punish her, because she is allowed to use the computer...

Did that make any sense?

Yeah, she was being punished for stealing via the internet, that was what she did wrong. Although using the computer itself was of course allowed.
Alright, hell, Seriously guys?

You understand the law, right? You understand the possibility of things happening if you don't obey it...right? What she did was illegal, and she only got spanked with an object by her parents. That happens to me occasionally, except my parents do it with a wooden stick. And they stop after 2 - 3 minutes. Alright, I can understand it happening to me for 7 minutes with a belt, it would hurt like the day Chuck Norris jumped inside the suns core. But the thing is, the pain goes away over 2 hours, and then you go and apologize. She could've screamed "Sorry, please, I'm sorry!" Or some shit. Any properly raised child would have done that. But apparently, she wasn't properly raised. Which brings me to my conclusion, I think both parties are stupid, the child for not recognizing the good from the wrong, breaking the law, and repeatedly doing a mistake. I guarantee you, 110%, no father would ever do that unless it has happened more than twice and warned beyond the limits of warnings not to do it again. And I think the father is a retard for not knowing how to properly raise a child. I support his beating even though it was terrible to watch. It's not child abuse, she's 16 years old for crying out loud. I fell of a motorbike a couple of times and I'm 16. I don't give a fuck about gender, but I took it like a proper 16 year-old and didn't scream, shout, then try and get her father back. I do say though, the fathers beating exceeded the limits in my opinion, but since he's the father, he can beat her up as he wishes.

tl;dr - I think the father didn't properly raise the child and that the child is a spoiled brat.