Originally Posted by DoubleDagR View Post
I noticed there's a "remove" button now, does that work or? If/When it works these mods can be removed (because of glitches):

and these one's don't work with shaders (because for some reason worldbuilder made the opacity of the objects 1.1 so it wasn't all my fault, in all fairness, these were my first mods) so if you want me to fix them and resubmit:

Thanks. I will update if I find any others.

I wish it worked that way... I've noticed that even when I remove a mod, you can't upload a mod with the same name. Teething trouble, no doubt. I'll see if I can get someone to fix it.
I'm back, I think... :)
Mod Pack
im waiting that my mod are approve but im waiting for 2 days.
pls approve my mod i want play this mod online with friends.


test the mod^^
Last edited by Riddix; Feb 3, 2009 at 08:34 PM.
Nope, I'm not approving that one. You misplaced one of the towers, causing uke to always end up on top, thus giving him an unfair advantage.
I'm back, I think... :)
Mod Pack
what where i missed?? that mod is fair but other mods have bugs for example "knucklefists" you can shoot from the blue guy with the box and from the red player not thats very unfair but my mod is better than this every body can shoot his box on the middle of the enemy.
but why you dont approve my mod when my mod is better than "knucklefists"??
And why approved so fast BlackRocks mod i helped him by his mod and most of the mod are stolen from Sumo and Joustin...
i dont know why my mod so..."bad" and his stolen mod so "good"??
pls write PM
Last edited by Riddix; Feb 3, 2009 at 10:36 PM.
the mod uploader seems to be in in the frtize right now... theres assorted trouble with the mods that have been recently uploaded.

i might be cuase of the mods themselves, or something like that, but some of my mods arnt working in MP. let me try somemore... mayby i typed the name wrong or something
- its been a while
can someone (maybe hampa or veb) update the mod uploader so that it uploads into 3.7? im missing so many mods from my folder it isnt even funny. Where the **** is katana.tbm?
- its been a while
It all uploads to 3.7, but it takes time apparently. You're better off asking them to put all the mods into the installer.