look, i love the rooftop garden, but what i'm referring to is the blackness of the exterior of the buildings. not saying it should've been pearl white, but somewhat yellow at the least.
that would make the picture so much better
fuck india
Eh those buildings and their current state give that picture personality
Here you can apreciate what I had for tea, soda, yogurt and 2 crossants with jam and cheese. This is clearly an artistic picture taken with the lastest tecnology available.

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I wish i had that...
anyways,that spoon...Kinda scary,but cool.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
Didn't have a place to post, so I'll do it here
Some skiing from previous winter :3

"1 tf = win" Onsola 2k16
Such skying much gopro, okno

Yet an other photo of my unique cuising talent, okno. Its just two toasted jamand cheese sandwiches. As you could tell, I only have one blue plastic dish, okno.
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Last edited by Onsola; Sep 25, 2016 at 11:18 PM.
just curious
what the fuck can you cook man
im not saying prepare
i said cook so dont give me something like peanut butter and cheese in a sandwich
Challenge accepted, when I cook something Ill post it here. It will probay be hamburgers, okno. Bbqs are quite easy to make like meat in general and pasta ofc. This so called "milanesas" too, tho I only cook them, not prepare them, cause I am too lazy.

Last edited by Onsola; Sep 26, 2016 at 11:59 AM.
Alright so today I cooked some pasta (which is kinda basic) and made a tomatoe sauce with basil, oregano and peregil (probably that is not the way it is said in english). Of course served with some cheese
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Cooking with Onsola, okno
I also make this pasta but instead of those twisted ones I use penne

"1 tf = win" Onsola 2k16