IGN/Real Name: Parker
Have you been tested: No
How long have you played mushu: ~4 years
1-10, what skill level are you: 9 (I'm really good, but I'm no iTemp lol)
Do you know any members: I'm familiar with Elite, oksasha, Shinigami, iPod HxCxChaos, Raiken, Mytholigy
Why do you want to join: All I play nowadays is boxshu and I have a lot of fun doing it, I've played it for a long time. I could probably duel if I really wanted to but I don't like the idea of dueling.

I'll may or may not provide replays later if you need it, I don't really save replays. Unless someone wants to test me
Last edited by ymir; Dec 5, 2017 at 03:20 PM.
If you were kicked/purged, Join the Discord and tell the "Leaders why you weren't active on Discord.

The Link to the Discord is on this thread, Click on it and join.
IGN/Real Name: j
Have you been tested: ye, elite
How long have you played mushu: dunno
1-10, what skill level are you: dunno
Do you know any members: all
Why do you want to join: dunno
Everyday we stray from God's light