Denied, app didn't contain the information on the OP, nor had any effort put in.
What is Your gender? Male

What's your name? or nickname? Anes Nickname: A noose

What is your Green which mean time(Gmt)? UTC-06:00

Reason to join the clan? I always wanted to be in a clan since mid-2013.

Do you have any Alts? No

Do you have any Bans? (if so why? if you don't mind sharing) Nope

How often do you play? everyday!

What mods do you play? Aikido, wushu, Twin swords, Jesus copter.

Do you have Skype? No

Do you have Discord? (Required) Yes

Do you have Steam? No

What can you do to help this clan? Give tc and represent the clan.

What are you willing to do for this clan? Give tc to the clan. And I will fight in wars.

How often do you use the forums? Rarely

What made you want to join us? I was looking for a active clan to join.

How did you find this clan? I found Bigdogg on toribash and asked to join.

What are your past Clans? (Don't lie I will be checking.) None
reason to join clan:im just searching for a clan and I think this one is the most bootyull out of all
how much I play:day after day after day
what I can do to help:anything you want me to do i'll do it
how much I'm on the forum's eryday
do you have steam:HELL YEAH
what mod I'm good a: abd judo aikido mushu boxshu greyfound
found this clan: I found it on the clan at clan discussion
gender; ima a boi
your application doesn't have all the information we have on our opening page, please fix that.