in this case, this one

but its a general thing with the market atm.
they dont buy a texture, they buy profit.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Gawd, if somebody in Gata made that monster I'd have him kicked on the spot.
I bet he/she really regrets selling that thing.

Anyways, sup?
jebus i have a sneaking suspicion about that head...

also.. i'm at one of those stages where i'm not satisfied with my art again. :: no productivity
I'm with chillz on the productivity. Tried making the duel head, 3 times straight ended up making a fire-truck red duck. Don't ask how.

Originally Posted by BenDover View Post

This disturbs me. Hair's not bad. Unfortunately does look like someone I've.. yeah. Burn it.
"Anything running perfectly is running like clockwork."
Is what I find funnier on the whole resell thing is when they pull this:
Artist: Jebus (note "Jebus", offer high)

More so when they are selling my old garbage heads from a year ago.
What's the sneaking suspicion, chillzy?

Ok, since I can't take any more teasing since I'm all cried out for the week, if you look here I was literally going to sell it for 7tc if someone tried to offer it.